rishistyping / AWS_JPL_OSR_DRL

Build and train a reinforcement learning (RL) model on AWS to autonomously drive JPL’s Open-Source Rover between given locations in a simulated Mars environment with the least amount of energy consumption and risk of damage.
Apache License 2.0
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Setting up @IrisDroidology local environment #1

Closed Gizmotronn closed 4 years ago

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

bash: cd: /home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src: No such file or directory
gizmotronn@Ares:~$ cd simulation_ws
bash: cd: simulation_ws: No such file or directory
gizmotronn@Ares:~$ cd aws-robomaker-docker
gizmotronn@Ares:~/aws-robomaker-docker$ cd simulation_ws
gizmotronn@Ares:~/aws-robomaker-docker/simulation_ws$ ^C
gizmotronn@Ares:~/aws-robomaker-docker/simulation_ws$  ```

@ https://app.slack.com/client/TSLCFFTHU/CS800JX25

Following this tutorial: https://devopstar.com/2019/09/12/aws-robomaker-beginners-guide-to-robot-simulation/

Log into the slack to see what's going on...
Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Cloning & using AWS Robomaker on my local machine --> Here's my report (as of 25.1.2019):

View slack posts in AWS_JPL_OSR_DRL.slack.com - channel #awsjplosrchallenge - from 24.1.2019

sudo docker-compose up -d

I do not believe that this was an issue when I went to the http://localhost:2080 terminal. I will continue working on this tomorrow.

I have also got both Gazebo 9 & 10 installed (I believe), this does not matter according to Rishabh (at the moment) I believe.

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Today, I've booted up my local machine. Each time I start it up, I have to enter every command from cd aws-robomaker-docker that was mentioned in the link above. It is good to note that when I am using the regular linux terminal (not the terminal on novnc2) I often have to enter

sudo "command"

at the beginning of each line.

Right now, I'm running this command:

roslaunch cloudwatch_simulation bookstore_turtlebot_navigation.launch

and will then continue with the rest of the tutorial. Will keep you posted.

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Since I published that last comment on this issue, I've entered that command (roslaunch cloudwatch_simulation bookstore_turtlebot_navigation.launch) and then I entered this command: rviz. Now I have a graphical window showing the ROS.

I'm having a bit of trouble with this part of the tutorial:

You’ll be greeted with a UI. From here you need to add the Map from the topic

Can someone please help @wakeuplearn

Also, right now

Each time I start it up, I have to enter every command from cd aws-robomaker-docker that was mentioned in the link above. It is good to note that when I am using the regular linux terminal (not the terminal on novnc2) I often have to enter sudo "command" at the beginning of each line.

(see above comment). Because of this, I'm wondering if there is a way so that I can save my state on the linux partition? I'm not sure if this is going to impact my ability to save our progress. Do you have to re-enter the same commands every time, or is this not going to be a big deal? About to take the dog for a walk.

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

After going through this command # Make sure you're in the workspace above `simulation_ws` cd ../ again, I now realise that the purpose of this is to drop back a level in the terminal on localhost:6080 (before, we were in the root/catkin_ws/src/simulation_ws, now we're in root/catkin_ws/src

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Got the "map from topic" working - thanks @EXYNOS-999

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Runing colcon bundle now:

cd /home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src/simulation_ws
source install/local_setup.sh
colcon bundle

This step takes a very long time (30+ minutes in some cases) as the bundler needs to pull down literally everything needed to run your robot from scratch.

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago


Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

I'm going to take a temporary break from this issue as @EXYNOS-999 reckons it is not as important as #3 right now and we may not need a computer with a gpu. This issue will remain open, however, as I may come back to it!

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago
