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MEMS Sensors: Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems #2

Closed Gizmotronn closed 4 years ago

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Looking into this for

"collision detection and the robotics and mechanical navigation part" (@EXYNOS-999)

https://www.sensorland.com/HowPage023.html https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU885AU885&sxsrf=ALeKk00ObvOo-TJz5oVwMXUX8XAndasvTQ%3A1587110203492&ei=O2GZXqGvHfTUz7sP04mWyAw&q=mems+sensor+raspberry+pi&oq=mems+sensor+ras&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAxgAMgYIABAWEB46BAgAEEc6AggAOgUIABDNAkoOCBcSCjEwLTIyM2cyNzNKCggYEgYxMC01ZzFQtzpYg0JgxEhoAHACeACAAdUDiAHfCZIBBzItMy4wLjGYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab

Notes will be inserted here

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago


Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago


MEMS Technology

Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems

Early MEMS systems

Signal conditioning electronics:

The early MEMS chip, while being simple, had some disadvantages:

@IrisDroidology IrisDroidology 15 minutes ago EXYNOS-999/EXPLORING_HELL_NASA-NIAC#2 @EXYNOS-999

@IrisDroidology Reply…

  1. The overall silicon area is generally larger
  2. Multichip modules require additional assembly steps
  3. The yield is generally lower
  4. Larger signals from the sensor are required to overcome the stray capacitance of the chip to chip interconnections, and stray fields requiring a larger sensor structure
  5. Larger packages are generally required to house the two-chip structure

Because of this, Analog Devices decided to pursue an integrated approach, where the sensor and signal conditioning electronics are on one chip

For more details, view http://m.acord.software/mems-sensors-howtheywork

rishistyping commented 4 years ago

@IrisDroidology Sumedh is looking into MEMS you should connect with him; I'm deep into computing systems and communications(and maybe power systems). Let's narrow down things everyone should look into and any other things you want to discuss on tomorrow's call.

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Sure thing Talking more on the slack :)

rishistyping commented 4 years ago

Can you also create a agenda/To do/discuss list on the document ; that’d be helpful. Thanks

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

Sure. Obstacle avoidance would be something that the electronics could take charge of, so if we were going to do obstacle avoidance primarily with electronics then we'd need to figure out how many transistors/things we need. We should also investigate mechanical methods of obstacle avoidance, whether it's large things sticking out from the rover that trigger a mechanical reaction, or something else :)

Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago



Gizmotronn commented 4 years ago

MEMS are used everywhere, but may not be suitable here: MEMS have to be external, so they will have to have a lot of data transmission between mechanical & electrical systems. Something interesting for other projects, possibly for this, but we're not doing it this time :)