rishizek / tensorflow-deeplab-v3-plus

DeepLabv3+ built in TensorFlow
MIT License
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I can't not run the inference.py #17

Open ll1214 opened 6 years ago

ll1214 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I am trying to run the inference.py. But I met this error: TypeError: Input 'filename' of 'ReadFile' Op has type float32 that does not match expected type of string. And I use python 3.5 I don't know why. and I thank I need your help.thank you.

ll1214 commented 6 years ago

And I run ''python inference.py --data_dir test --infer_data_list train --model_dir model ''.The test file has what I what evaluate picture, the train has nothing

rishizek commented 6 years ago

Hi @ll1214 , Thank you for your interest in the repo.

OK. The test you mentioned above should be folder that contains jpg images, for which you want to infer segmentation. And train mentioned above need to be a file, which lists names of images, not empty file. An example command is following: python inference.py --data_dir dataset/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages --infer_data_list dataset/sample_images_list.txt --model_dir model . Here, you can take a look at dataset/sample_images_list.txt for how infer_data_list file should be used.

I hope this answer your question