rishizek / tensorflow-deeplab-v3

DeepLabv3 built in TensorFlow
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Usage for creating tfrecord #39

Open Sawyer117 opened 4 years ago

Sawyer117 commented 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for the detailed explanation, but I find myself hard to understand this:

Download and extract augmented segmentation data (Thanks to DrSleep), specifying the location with --data_dir and --label_data_dir (namely, $data_dir/$label_data_dir). <------#in SegmentationClassAug, there's only label-like images, so what is --data_dir?

Also for usage of create_pascal_tf_record.py, it seems the above is a typo and should be --image_data_dir? But again what is --image_data_dir? I only have original pascal voc2012(VOCdevkit) and augmentation data(SegmentationClassAug), I really had a hard time understanding what these arguments are. Could you clarify? Thanks!

python create_pascal_tf_record.py --data_dir DATA_DIR \ <----should it be dir to VOCdevkit? --image_data_dir IMAGE_DATA_DIR \ <----what should it be? --label_data_dir LABEL_DATA_DIR <----should it be dir to augmented segmentation data

ghost commented 2 years ago

I find it hard to understand too. Did you found an answer to your question?

bbauchwitz55 commented 2 years ago

I am also unable to understand this. It has been several years since the original post - can the dev team please respond to this issue?