Open risinek opened 3 years ago
When I try to penetrate my own wifi Xiaomi_G I got dc3324a111e61044ad3fd14adda9b33f*240ac4f93888*4a8f5a800f32*5869616f6d695f47
With sudo hashcat-6.2.3/hashcat.bin -m 16800 -a3 -w3 --force --increment "dc3324a111e61044ad3fd14adda9b33f*240ac4f93888*4a8f5a800f32*5869616f6d695f47" "samsung7"
I got exhausted status
I already try with dictionaries instead of brute force - no results Move PMKID to file and use this file with hashcat - no results
I think it's something with process of fetch PMKID
ESP32 Wi-Fi Penetration Tool
MAC AP: 240ac4f93888
MAC STA: 4a8f5a800f32
(E)SSID: 5869616f6d695f47 (Xiaomi_G)
PMKID #0: dc3324a111e61044ad3fd14adda9b33f
Hashcat ready format:
PMKID #0: dc3324a111e61044ad3fd14adda9b33f*240ac4f93888*4a8f5a800f32*5869616f6d695f47
Switch MAC AP & MAC STA position
How can i see the wi-fi key? I run capture.hccapx as the picture below but i get errors
Document step by step how to start password recovery using Hashcat from HCCAPX or PMKID (16800)