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optimizer: Improve column name of the operator #10093

Open st1page opened 1 year ago

st1page commented 1 year ago
dev=> create table t(c STRUCT<x INTEGER, y INTEGER>);
dev=> create materialized view mv as select t1.c from t t1 join t t2 on (t1.c).y = (t2.c).y;
dev=> show internal tables;
(6 rows)

dev=> select * from __internal_mv_3_hashjoindegreeright_1006;
 $expr2 | t__row_id | _degree 
(0 rows)

The $expr2 is an alias referring to an expression in the plan which can get in the explain. But the user can not get the reference when he query the internal table.

dev=> explain create materialized view mv as select t1.c from t t1 join t t2 on (t1.c).y = (t2.c).y;
                                                                                                   QUERY PLAN                                                                                                   
 StreamMaterialize { columns: [c, t._row_id(hidden), $expr1(hidden), t._row_id#1(hidden)], stream_key: [t._row_id, t._row_id#1, $expr1], pk_columns: [t._row_id, t._row_id#1, $expr1], pk_conflict: "NoCheck" }
 └─StreamHashJoin { type: Inner, predicate: $expr1 = $expr2 }
   ├─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr1) }
   | └─StreamProject { exprs: [t.c, Field(t.c, 1:Int32) as $expr1, t._row_id] }
   |   └─StreamTableScan { table: t, columns: [c, _row_id] }
   └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr2) }
     └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(t.c, 1:Int32) as $expr2, t._row_id] }
       └─StreamTableScan { table: t, columns: [c, _row_id] }

I propose to change the column name of the schema() to the expression name back. And add a column_alias() -> Vec<Option<String>> on the PlanNode with the alias.

st1page commented 1 year ago

c.c. @chenzl25 @fuyufjh

fuyufjh commented 1 year ago

I acknowledge this inconvenience, but using an expression as column name such as is more confusing to me 🥲

fuyufjh commented 1 year ago

If we can provide some way to let user inspect the streaming job (i.e. a running materialized view), it might be better?

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

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