risingwavelabs / risingwave

Best-in-class stream processing, analytics, and management. Perform continuous analytics, or build event-driven applications, real-time ETL pipelines, and feature stores in minutes. Unified streaming and batch. PostgreSQL compatible.
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ch-benchmark supplier table can't sync via PG CDC #14250

Closed cyliu0 closed 11 months ago

cyliu0 commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug

In RW:

dev=> select count(1) from supplier;
(1 row)

In PG:

postgres=# select count(1) from supplier;
(1 row)

The alive namespace: ch-pg-cdc-cy https://grafana.test.risingwave-cloud.xyz/d/EpkBw5W4k/risingwave-dev-dashboard?orgId=1&var-datasource=ebec273b-0774-4ccd-90a9-c2a22144d623&var-namespace=ch-pg-cdc-cy&var-instance=benchmark-risingwave&var-pod=All&var-component=All&var-table=All&from=1703731200000&to=now&refresh=10s

Can be reproduced via running kube-bench with following env.override.toml

namespace = "ch-pg-cdc-cy"
system = "risingwave"
ask_before_proceed = false
name = "benchmark-job"
type = "ch-benchmark-pg-cdc"
retry_limit = 500
retry_interval = 10
node_selectors = "risingwave.cloud/nodegroup-name:ondemand-ng-test-32c64g-x86-0"
mutual_exclusive_policy = "global"
mutual_exclusive_key = ""
tolerations = { key = "node_group", operator = "Equal", value = "bench_test", effect ="NoSchedule" }
all_pods_affinity_enabled = "true"
compactor_compute_affinity_enabled = false
#query = "q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9,q10,q11,q12,q13,q14,q15,q16,q17,q18,q19,q20,q21,q22"
query = "q9"
threads = 8
warehouses = "1"
enable_blackhole = "false"
skip_prepare_data = false
enable_pg_views = true
enable_pg_sinks = "false"
modify_queries = "true"
tpcc_execution_duration = "5m"
tpcc_execution_time = "5m"
version = "nightly-20231227"
standalone_enabled = "false"
retry_limit = 60
retry_interval = 10
meta = 1
frontend = 1
compute = 1
compactor = 1
connector = 0
compute = ""
standalone = ""
cpu = { limit = "8", request = "7" }
mem = { limit = "16Gi", request = "13Gi" }
frontend = { limit = "1Gi", request = "1Gi" }
meta = { limit = "4Gi", request = "4Gi" }
compactor = { limit = "4Gi", request = "2Gi" }
compute = { limit = "13Gi", request = "13Gi" }
enable = "true"
lg_prof_interval = 32
lg_prof_sample = 19
enable = "true"
lg_prof_interval = 38
lg_prof_sample = 19
enable = "true"
lg_prof_interval = 40
lg_prof_sample = 19
type = "s3"
region = "us-east-1"
access_key = ""
access_secret = ""
bucket = "ch-benchmark-pg-cdc-20231214-023805-19747"
data_directory = "hummock_001"
create_enabled = true
delete_enabled = true
cpu = { limit = "0", request = "0" }
mem = { limit = "4Gi", request = "4Gi" }
enabled = true
name = "benchmark-postgresql"
wal_level = "logical"
shared_preload_libraries = "decoderbufs"
cpu = { limit = "0", request = "0" }
mem = { limit = "8Gi", request = "8Gi" }
enabled = true
size = "120Gi"

Error message/log

No response

To Reproduce

No response

Expected behavior

No response

How did you deploy RisingWave?

No response

The version of RisingWave


Additional context

No response

StrikeW commented 11 months ago

Should be same problem of https://github.com/risingwavelabs/risingwave/issues/14248, we can rerun the test after the issue get fixed.

StrikeW commented 11 months ago

Verified due to #14248, which has been fixed.