Open jenniferward opened 8 months ago
ISO 8601 / EDTF should be the only acceptable form of dates, IMO.
Weirdly enough, the MARC documentation reads
The date and time are recorded according to Representations of Dates and Times (ISO 8601) in the pattern yyyy, yyyy-mm, or yyyymmdd (4 for the year, 2 for the month, and 2 for the day) unless subfield $2 (Source of date) specifies another date scheme.
But without -
, that is not ISO 8601, is it?
Linking to EDTF here for future reference:
What should we do here?
I would suggest to start validating $k
with a regex matching yyyy
or yyyy-mm
or yyyy-mm-dd
(all digits).
(I prefer it with hyphens, I think it makes it more readable and for that reason less error prone)
Maybe both $k and $l ? $k - Beginning or single date created (NR) $l - Ending date created (NR)
We have 046 in Works. Works has: $k, $l, $z
We have proposed the same field for Sources:
Since Works is of a smaller scale, we could start thinking about format and validation.
Here are some of the kinds of dates from MWV:
Single year: 1842 Questionable year(s): 1838? | 1830er Jahre? Approximate dates: um 1825 oder später | um den 12. Mai 1820 | 1821, wohl August/September Inexact dates: Herbst 1820 | Anfang Juli 1820 Single date with year, month, day: 21. September 1832 Single date with year, month: Juni 1836 Terminus ante quem: bis 1827 | vor 1821 | bis ca. Mitte Mai 1845 | 10. September 1824 oder früher | zum 14. Juli 1833 Terminus post quem: nach 9. Juni 1836 | nach 1830 | nach Januar 1826 | Oktober 1830 oder später Date range: 1830-1844 | September 1835 bis 29. Oktober 1830 | zwischen 9. und 11. Mai 1820 | 16. Juni 1821 bis 18. August 1821 | 13./14. Juni 1830 Approximate date range: Ende Mai 1820/Anfang Juli 1820 | November/Dezember 1820 | Ende 1836 / 28. Februar 1837 | zweite Jahreshälfte 1819 bis spätestens Anfang 1820 | 1840er Jahre
How should we capture these? Generally I've been using $k and $l for year(s) and then the full date statement as in MWV in $z.
=046 ##$k1827$z1. November 1827 ##$k1819$l1820$zZweite Jahreshälfte 1819 bis spätestens Anfang 1820