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Use a package manager instead of committing dependencies #18

Closed nickserv closed 10 years ago

nickserv commented 10 years ago

I've noticed we have committed a lot of third party libraries into /assets, and it would be nice if we could use something like bower for managing third party dependencies.

weswigham commented 10 years ago

We're also still using bootstrap 2.

kristenmills commented 10 years ago

The conversion from bootstrap 2 to bootstrap 3 is not trivial. It's a lot of work for pretty much no gain since we are redesigning the site

weswigham commented 10 years ago

I know, I tried to do it two years ago.

kristenmills commented 10 years ago

On the actually topic of the issue. I'll start working on it

nickserv commented 10 years ago

While I like our current Bower setup, it seems like we could also be using Bower for the following libraries:

kristenmills commented 10 years ago

We do for underscore and jquery I don't want to touch the bootstrap stuff.

nickserv commented 10 years ago

For some reason, the jQuery CDN is used (see git grep jquery\.com) and there is an underscore-min.js file in assets/js that doesn't seem to be in use.

Also, bootstrap-sass is on bower. Should we use that for now, or is it still not worth the effort?

kristenmills commented 10 years ago

it's not worth the effort.