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Update the Officers Page #49

Closed kbaumzie closed 8 years ago

kbaumzie commented 8 years ago

On the officers page, the subsection: Committee Heads needs to be updated for the Spring semester 2016.

The following are new additions/updates:

Kayla Nussbaum, Winter Ball and Art winterball@sse.se.rit.edu art@sse.se.rit.edu

Laura King, Projects projects@sse.se.rit.edu

Carter Buce, Events events@sse.se.rit.edu

Danielle Gonzalez, Fundraising fundraising@sse.se.rit.edu

Dylan Vuz, Technology technology@sse.se.rit.edu

Wade Mauger, Student Outreach outreach@sse.se.rit.edu

Justin Peterson, Public Relations pr@sse.se.rit.edu

Dan Sweetman, Historian historian@sse.se.rit.edu

(all the others are the same)