ritawang1991 / profiles

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AMA #1

Open ritawang1991 opened 6 years ago

ritawang1991 commented 6 years ago

{ "username": "ritawang1991", "name": "Rita Wang", "projects": [

    "merchandizer 4 years",
    "Fashion industry"
    "problem solving",
    "general web development",
    "learn new skills"


serapath commented 6 years ago

Wooohoooo :-)

Sweeet. So you forked the repository and opened the AMA issue. Nice :-)

So I read you are in the fashion industry and in merchandising? Thats actually quite interesting and probably a lot of cool project ideas can come from this. I guess for wizardamigos we could also work a bit more on our merchandizing :P ...but yeah - let's see what the future brings.

I hope you enjoyed yesterday.

I see you did not list anything under "projects" yet. We did not explain it very well, but the idea is, that everyone tries to make up a project idea about what they want to learn and/or work on during the codecamp. What they want to accomplish.

  1. So you would create another empty github repository and then create a README.md file or an "issue" where you describe your learning project idea. It's ok if it is a rough description.

  2. Then you would go around other people's AMA issues and read what project ideas they have and interview them to find like minded people who want to work or learn on similar or compatible projects.

  3. Based on what you learn from other people or what inspires you, you can refine your project idea.

The goal is to maybe collaborate with others and help each other to learn together and share the work.

We will check everyone's project ideas and try to give custom learning materials to everyone in context of what ideas they came up with. We think, if somebody has some idea of what they maybe want to try to learn and build it is easier to provide good learning resources for that :-)

It would be cool if you also post your new project link and any progress on the chat.

serapath commented 6 years ago

did you already make a github repository for your project idea and have a link?