Open anirudhbagri opened 5 years ago
getting the same issue
Because this API URL truecaller is not working
raise IOError, ('http error', errcode, errmsg, headers) IOError: ('http error', 401, 'Unauthorized', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance at 0x1082fbfc8>)
Any workaround?
This tool doesn't work anymore since Truecaller updated their endpoints. However, I haven't tried but someone posted the updated values in this Gist: Good luck!
@ritiek IS it possible to process multiple phone numbers at once ?? By giving numbers in a text/csv file ??
@Assassinaseem I don't think Truecaller allows to search for multiple phone numbers with a single API request. So, the best you could do is write a small script that would read the phone numbers from a file and process them one-by-one.
@ritiek where to get truecaller ID (RnD®isterId=64571***") like your's do you know link to register and get one ?
I am getting HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized error when trying to search any number.