ritwickdey / vscode-live-sass-compiler

Compile Sass or Scss file to CSS at realtime with live browser reload feature.
MIT License
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Is it possible to only watch one file? #560

Closed matinkg closed 2 years ago

matinkg commented 2 years ago

Hi, I searched a lot about this thing but didn't find any solution. I mostly use one scss file to import other scss files into it. The problem is in big projects the plugin compiles other sass files from other directories (mostly the files from libs and frameworks which I want to keep unchanged). So the question is:

Is it possible to only track files in one directory and its sub-directories (not parent directories)?

Or is it possible to just watch one scss files and it related files?

glenn2223 commented 2 years ago

The includeItems setting accepts glob patterns which you can use to watch only specified files/folders.

This extension is no longer maintained - see #486, this will show you that I have a fork that I'm actively maintaining.

After reading it, please close this issue so my own can stay top of the list. Thanks

glenn2223 commented 2 years ago

Or is it possible to just watch one scss files and it related files?

The extension doesn't actually watch for changes on related files, it looks for changes to any partial file (those starting with a _) and then compiles any files - according to the settings you have provided.