ritwickdey / vscode-live-sass-compiler

Compile Sass or Scss file to CSS at realtime with live browser reload feature.
MIT License
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Compiler hangs if mapped network drive added to workspace and exclude list doesn't help #579

Open nyan-cat opened 2 years ago

nyan-cat commented 2 years ago

I have a couple of folders in my VS Code workspace which are located on remote server mapped as network drive (built-in Windows feature). On such setup compiler just hangs on "Watching..." after I press "Watch Sass" button. Moreover - my Sass files are located on my local computer - I don't really need to compile something on remote server. If I remove network folders then it works fine. Obviously, network folders cause it to hang somehow. May be it traverses those folders, and since they are network, it takes forever and a day to complete their inspection.

I was hoping that exclude list (liveSassCompile.settings.excludeList option) will help me since I don't really need to compile something on remote server, just my local files. My server is mapped as W: disk so I added the following option:

"liveSassCompile.settings.excludeList": [ "W:/**" ]

But it didn't help. It still hangs on compile. And it still works if I remove network paths from the workspace. Looks like exclude path feature works AFTER full path inspection, not before. Any chance to fix that?

glenn2223 commented 2 years ago

This extension is no longer maintained, you should try my fork (which is also available on the VS marketplace). Ref: #486

I don't think you'll have this problem with my fork. I've done a lot of code updating/maintenance and also switched to fdir for file checks (which is blazingly fast)