ritwickdey / vscode-live-server

Launch a development local Server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
MIT License
5.57k stars 1.2k forks source link


Open BhatuJay opened 1 month ago

BhatuJay commented 1 month ago

live server is not working. can't open chrome. only notify server is open but not starting.

what to do.

gauravkrn commented 1 month ago

ive server is not working. can't open chrome.

kushalamgowda commented 1 month ago

live server is not working

linkan555 commented 1 month ago

live sever not woking properly please settle it down

youngdavee2 commented 1 month ago

its giving me an error in my browser that the page isn't working.

pedro-pelicioni commented 1 month ago

Go to “Edit system environment variables”

Click on “Environment Variables”

In the System tab, look for “PATH” or “Path”

Click on “Edit”

Add C:\Windows\System32

Click Ok and close everything.

If it doesn't work:

Uninstall the extension

Restart your computer.

Reinstall the extension

Go to the live server extension's settings

Click in "Edit in settings.json"

Remove the line “liveServer.settings.NoBrowser”: true,"

And manually add your preferred browser. Example:


IF this help you, please follow me! 🤘

AmmaraQ47 commented 3 weeks ago

still, live server not working D:. what to do and when I click on live server to run, its giving me msg, Server is Started at port : 5500

if anyone knows its solution please do share!