ritz078 / embed-js

🌻 A lightweight plugin to embed emojis, media, maps, tweets, code and more. ✨
MIT License
1.27k stars 88 forks source link

expected object, got undefined #256

Closed krsnaa closed 6 years ago

krsnaa commented 6 years ago

Running the codesandbox sample from the project home page (https://codesandbox.io/s/Wp5OlNMn) throws the error:

index.js:40 Uncaught Error: expected object, got undefined at extend (index.js:40) at url (index.js:14) at webpack_exports.a.pluginNames.map.plugin (index.js:52) at Array.map () at webpack_exports.a (index.js:30) at Object. (index.js:10) at webpack_require (bootstrap 4a309f7e895042ee6c5d:657) at fn (bootstrap 4a309f7e895042ee6c5d:85) at Object. (index.js:14) at webpack_require (bootstrap 4a309f7e895042ee6c5d:657) at module.exports.ctor.super_ (bootstrap 4a309f7e895042ee6c5d:706) at bundle.js:710


tzh2014 commented 6 years ago

E.g for url() plugin, instead of url(), using like url({}) solved the problem for me.

ritz078 commented 6 years ago

This is due to https://github.com/angus-c/just/issues/83 . I will fix this by some other way if it isn't solved in that repo. :)

ritz078 commented 6 years ago

I have published all the packages as v5.0.3-0 . Can you guys test and let me know ? cc @Kikobeats

Kikobeats commented 6 years ago

Not sure wait but codesandbox is not loading 5.0.3-0 version, Also I'm not seeing the version at https://www.npmjs.com/package/embed-js

ritz078 commented 6 years ago

You can check the demo now. The latest version won't show on npm until you try to install it.

Kikobeats commented 6 years ago

not working 😢

ritz078 commented 6 years ago

There was a problem with codesandbox cache. It is fixed now.