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[BUG] Streamer.Bot Actions #1058

Open Ahmad-Alomari opened 3 months ago

Ahmad-Alomari commented 3 months ago

I have a problem I can't Use Streamer.Bot Actions as you see I have Actions but none show on the app

Screenshot 2024-03-22 214839

Screenshot 2024-03-22 214734

rivafarabi commented 3 months ago

Have you setup the extension configuration (IP address and port) on Settings > Extensions > Configs?


Ahmad-Alomari commented 3 months ago

where do I get the IP and the port I tried to find it in Streamer.bot nothing is there

rivafarabi commented 3 months ago

It should be under Servers/Clients > HTTP Server tab image

Ahmad-Alomari commented 3 months ago

Thank you Legend :3 That worked I hope if that would be explained in the app