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Hotkeys only partially register #150

Open EonofAeon opened 5 years ago

EonofAeon commented 5 years ago

Trying to set up Deckboard to utilize the hotkeys of another app hosted on Github https://github.com/topeterk/HitCounterManager but it doesn't seem to work....I'm not sure if the problem lies with HC or Deckboard, but figured I'd post here first, and go from there.

Trying to set up buttons for the hot key functions of Got Hit/"Boss Kill", Undo Hit, Next, and Previous....but none of them seem to register on the app when the buttons are pressed. Hotkeys were originally Shift + F6 through Shift + F10, even tried swapping them to shift + letters. Both the Shift + F's and the current Shift + Letter hotkey seem to work when done on keyboard but not on DB.... I've tried telling it to 'run on' deckboard, as well as the hitcounter app itself.

Nothing seems to work and I'm kind of at a total loss...

topeterk commented 5 years ago

Hi, as I don't know the program in detail, this might not be the best solution but it worked for me.

Trying to use the "Keyboard Macro" didn't work for me. Even with Notepad.exe as target and defining just the "L" key, Notepad never wrote the letter "L".

However HCM seems to be working with the "Advanced Keyboard Macro". As there is no target Window that must be set, it seems to simulate the key press system wide. Therefore the HCM registers the key in both modes (synchonous and asynchronous) which is quite nice. Test was done with CTRL+F11, however, to setup the key correctly I pressed and released CTRL once and pressed and released F11 once to have each key in the list separately. As second step I moved the DOWN entries up and the UP once down which will trigger the "hot key" right in the middle while both keys are down. A delay doesn't seem to be necessary for me but if it not works try a value of 20 ms or better more as, in asynchronous mode, this is the frequency of the HCM checking the keys.

Here is a picture of my setup: CtrlF11HotkeyOK

I hope this works on your side, too. Please let me know the results then we can close this issue officially.
