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Add ability for extensions to add new oath accounts #203

Open DrFizzles opened 5 years ago

DrFizzles commented 5 years ago

I love that I can make extensions to add new buttons, and I am using it to add some options for Discord posting. However, I am having to hard-code my Discord API access token because there's no way to add a new service to the 'accounts' dropdown where Twitter, Spotify, and Twitch are.

It would be awesome to be able to add our own services to this dropdown, so if I wanted to distribute my extension, nobody would have to edit any files with their access tokens, they could just go through the authorization process like the rest.

digitalfiz commented 5 years ago

I think some kind of generic oauth management might be cool and to add to your other issue #204 it would be sweet if these oauth accounts had pass through api provided by this app so that extensions could use them securely. If selections was treated as a function just like execute then some kind of api instance object could be passed to them with like api.getOauthApp('twitch').call('/streaminfo') or something and it would handle the auth for it and make the call.

rivafarabi commented 5 years ago

I really want to work on it! It will probably possible to add new oauth account excepts for the existing account (twitter, spotify, and twitch) (see issue #204).

Though, It will be on hold after I manage to package the app for linux