rivafarabi / deckboard

Control your PC with your phone in easy way possible. News and updates on @DeckboardApp.
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[Request] Iconified Startup #24

Open ZantsuRocks opened 5 years ago

ZantsuRocks commented 5 years ago

Let an option to start minimized on taskbar with OS.

falo2k commented 5 years ago

+1 to this. I should get a nice clean taskbar when I load up, not have to kill a window that is only there to act as a service for a remote.

tiagolo commented 5 years ago

Agree It would be great to have an option for that.

NoZomIBK commented 3 years ago


YLlywelyn commented 2 years ago

It's been over a year now, is this essential feature still not implemented?

ZantsuRocks commented 2 years ago

Yes, it has not yet been implemented. I would open a pull-request if this project were open source.

rZiMiZ commented 1 year ago


ZantsuRocks commented 1 year ago

There is a lot of requests like that. Are there any plans to implement this feature?

tsoua2 commented 6 months ago


(Windows OS) Find the file location of Deckboard.exe and make a shortcut by right mouse click on it. Run windows command "shell:startup", put the shortcut into the folder. Right mouse click on the shortcut, change the file properties to run it minimized.