rivafarabi / deckboard

Control your PC with your phone in easy way possible. News and updates on @DeckboardApp.
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Native Widnows control #375

Open OfekIshay opened 4 years ago

OfekIshay commented 4 years ago

I was wondering if it's possible to make this app work without the phone, so you could use it native on Windows, I have a second small touch screen connected to my PC and I can only use the deckboard with an android emulator. is it possible to make it native?


kineticscreen commented 4 years ago

Yes this! Be able to switch it between 'edit' and 'operate' or something similar. Also a useful way to test configurations without having to go between the phone and PC.

s7726 commented 4 years ago

As an electron app this is essentially a web app already... I'd like to see the app host a webapp client. Then you can open that on another monitor, win/max/linx tablet, etc.

LGGGreg commented 4 years ago

This would be perfect for extra touch screens to use

OfekIshay commented 4 years ago

This would be perfect for extra touch screens to use

That is exactly my intended purpose!