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[FEATURE REQUEST] Connect to multiple OBS Websockets at once #553

Open TheSwerik opened 3 years ago

TheSwerik commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I use 2 instances of OBS Studio (one for recording and one for streaming). So I can only use the websocket buttons for one of them and regular hotkeys (F13 - F24) for the other. When more buttons get a toggle state (like recording, streaming, etc.) I can only have the toggles for one of my instances.

Describe the solution you'd like Let me connect to multiple OBS websockets at the same time (different ports)

Describe alternatives you've considered Let me choose Toggle for regular hotkeys aswell It's not the best option but if connecting to multiple OBS websockets is too much work or impossible then this would be a great substitute.

grevius5 commented 3 years ago

I think you can use only one instance of obs to stream and record at the same time

TheSwerik commented 3 years ago

No im currently using multiple instances, one for streaming and one for recording at the same time

I'm using it so it is possible :D

XsFrozdY commented 3 years ago

You could just use one instance of OBS, there's a handy "Profile" and "Scene Collection" selection at the top of OBS, you can use either one.

Just make a streaming "Profile" or "Scene Collection" and a recording "Profile" or "Scene Collection".

Solved... Deckboard will automatically update and see that as well.

TheSwerik commented 3 years ago

The thing is that I am Streaming and recording at the same time with different resolutions and FPS-settings and Scenes

That's why I need 2 Instances at the same time

TheSwerik commented 3 years ago

So my feature request is that you can connect to multiple OBS Websockets and maybe select for each Button which Socket should be targeted Maybe even an option to target all websockets simultaneously

Yes you can run multiple instances of OBS at the same time Yes you can have multiple websockets open if the ports are different No I don't see any way to not use 2 Instances of OBS for my specific usecase

XsFrozdY commented 3 years ago

The thing is that I am Streaming and recording at the same time with different resolutions and FPS-settings and Scenes

That's why I need 2 Instances at the same time

Yes, that's what you have "profiles" for... it changes EVERYTHING, settings, scenes, EVERYTHING...

TheSwerik commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's what you have "profiles" for... it changes EVERYTHING, settings, scenes, EVERYTHING...

That makes no sense. I said I use both at the same time. I want 2 different resolutions and FPS-settings and Scenes at the same time/simultaneously. One setting is for streaming and one for recording. But I do both at the same time.

That's why I have OBS open twice, once with my recording Scenes, Settings, Resolution, etc. and once with drastically different Scenes, Settings, Resolution, etc., and then I use both AT THE SAME TIME.

TheSwerik commented 3 years ago

Sorry that I haven't answered for so long. I forgot about this issue when I had exams and Github didn't notify me.

I still want this feature. Yes, this is possible. I can prove it if you want. Yes, this is an actual use case and no I cannot do my recording and streaming differently.

The only working workaround, for now, is to use streamlabs OBS and OBS Studio together. But I don't like Streamlabs OBS. Or another workaround is to use advanced Keyboard Macros and then do something like the F14-Key and set that as the Hotkey for What you want in both OBS-Instances. The only problem with that is that toggle actions arent two-state buttons then.

So I actually don't need this feature that bad if Advanced Keyboard Macros had an option to be two-state buttons. But that could get out of sync quickly so that isn't the best solution, just a workaround.

That's why I'm requesting to add the option for multiple OBS Websockets to connect to and then select the OBS Websocket you want in the Macro (for example in "Toggle Recording" or "Toggle Mute").