rivafarabi / deckboard

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Run as service #57

Open Revenger opened 5 years ago

Revenger commented 5 years ago

Could this program be made to run in background as a service? Or start minimised in systray.

Everytime my PC's reboot the board window opens in the middle of the screen and I need to close it.

Starting minimised as a service in the systray would solve this issue.

falo2k commented 5 years ago

Could be merged with #24 - This seems essential to keep people using the app without getting irritated by it polluting their taskbar on startup.

Revenger commented 5 years ago

Yea the issues should be merged.

I occasionally check for a update for this as it's the main reason why I don't use deckboard anymore.

If this gets fixed I would be using this program on my media PC which is where I really want to use it instead of having to use my mouse to load MPC and shut the PC down afterwards.

Please fix this issue is been months and I feel it should be a priority for the annoyance of having the program window open it every time Windows loads.

Revenger commented 5 years ago

Still awaiting on this feature as it's one that's super important to me to have a seamless HTPC experience with a full program load and close from my phone to replaced my mouse for watching shows in MPC PowerDVD and quickly loading up / closing the occasional game where I use a game controller.

Please add this into 5.0 before full release.

Revenger commented 5 years ago

For now I'm trying Touch Portal which is an alternative to this and has both a start at boot and start minimised option.

I'll look at Deckboard again if this software also gets that option as I suggested the feature 6 months ago and like many don't want the distaste opening up in the middle of my screen on boot.

Revenger commented 4 years ago

Had this been addressed at all? I don't see it in the changelog that the program now starts in the background.

It's one reason I'm still using touch portal over this as that can do it easily even with a start -min command of needed from talk scheduler as auto elevated.

Chanw11 commented 4 years ago

Still waiting as well, it also lags to close it when everything else is starting up. Which is even worse.

swampdogmash commented 9 months ago

Hi, this is one feature I would really like to see. I am guessing it's not that easy as it would need the front end separating out from the "service" part of the code (as the service would potentially run as "system" or "local service" depending on if it need to be accessible from off the device). I currently run it on a server that doesn't auto-logon (for security reasons) but would still like to be able to have a remote connection from a tablet without having to go and manually logon to the server via RDP and keep the session open. don't really understand the code, but what work is involved in making this work?