rive-app / rive-android

A runtime for interactive animations on Android
MIT License
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Touch events do not get passed to the state machines #282

Open dimsuz opened 1 year ago

dimsuz commented 1 year ago


I'm trying several rive animations from the community site and although RiveAnimationView obviously consumes touch events, they seem to never arrive to the actual scene: it continues playing "idle" animations. At the same time clicking scene on the community web site does play animations.

Provide a Repro

  1. Insert this scene into any RiveAnimationView
  2. Try clicking on the view
  3. Observe that nothing happens

Source .riv/.rev file

Download riv file from here: https://rive.app/community/3783-7910-point-and-click/

Device & Versions (please complete the following information)

zplata commented 1 year ago

Thanks @dimsuz ! We'll take a look to see what's going on