rive-app / rive-unity-examples

A collection of examples using Rive Unity
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Mac OS Arm64 Unity 2022.3.10f1 doesn't build #8

Closed Saurabh7SSR closed 7 months ago

Saurabh7SSR commented 7 months ago

I can't build any of your scenes, after a basic search of the build error that goes something like: "cannot build while editor is importing or compiling" the suggested solution was to remove the editor scripts, if I do that it builds but removes all rive goodness.

I can't install via git with git@github.com:rive-app/rive-unity.git?path=package#v0.1.29 it says Error when executing git command. Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

So I downloaded the package and installed via adding it locally using package.json file of extracted project folder

After clearing Security from Mac OS setting for rive.dylib the project finally works.

But when I try to build I get the can't build because Using UnityEditor: in scripts mainly because of Rive/Editor script files

HayesGordon commented 7 months ago

Hi @Saurabh7SSR

Can you try adding the rive package from the HTTP URL instead: https://github.com/rive-app/rive-unity.git?path=package#v0.1.29

If that doesn't work can you confirm if you can git clone the rive-unity project. In a terminal run: git clone git@github.com:rive-app/rive-unity.git

If you're not able to do that then there may be a problem with your git ssh setup. See:

Saurabh7SSR commented 7 months ago

Hi Gordon Package installed with HTTP URL, I was entering URL into "add package by name" so it was't working before. Thanks.

Still didn't build though. But the build errors are still there in Log file attached, Can you build for Mac or do you know if someone else has actually build for Mac.

Also your content on Rive YT channel is amazing.

Saurabh7SSR commented 7 months ago

let me clarify, I can play rive files in Unity Editor, but when I build the project for Mac from Unity, it fails pointing to mainly Rive package editor files.

HayesGordon commented 7 months ago

Oh I see! I can reproduce the issue. I'll message here as soon as it's resolved. Thanks for reporting.

HayesGordon commented 7 months ago

Hi @Saurabh7SSR, sorry for the delay in this, it was tied into a bigger change. This should now be fixed in the latest release v0.1.35

Could you please confirm if it's working for you.

Saurabh7SSR commented 7 months ago

Thanks @HayesGordon, I can build the 3d cube scene after fixing a few missing references and deleting rivestatemachine script.

No problem at all about the delay, been following the progress of vector graphics on GPU compute for years now, I can't believe the stuff you guys are creating!!!