rive-app / rive-unity

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Disabling Buttons During Animations in Rive #71

Closed tursiITT closed 2 months ago

tursiITT commented 2 months ago


I would like to track the start and end moments of animations to disable all buttons while they are running. The problem is that the animations are located within nested artboards.

My first question is whether there is a way to do this directly within the Rive app. It seems that it is not possible to link an event from the main artboard to the start and end of an animation within a nested artboard.

If it's not possible in Rive, can this be done in Unity?

Below is the code I developed. I know it's not written perfectly; some parts could have been structured better, but the logic should be correct. However, it only captures events on the main artboard. Did I do something wrong? Is there a workaround?

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Linq;
using Rive;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

internal class CameraTextureHelper
    private Camera m_camera;
    private RenderTexture m_renderTexture;
    private int m_pixelWidth = -1;
    private int m_pixelHeight = -1;
    private Rive.RenderQueue m_renderQueue;

    public bool isMoving;

    // Queue to keep things on the main thread only.
    private static ConcurrentQueue<Action> mainThreadActions = new ConcurrentQueue<Action>();

    public RenderTexture renderTexture
        get { return m_renderTexture; }

    public Camera camera
        get { return m_camera; }

    internal CameraTextureHelper(Camera camera, Rive.RenderQueue queue)
        m_camera = camera;
        m_renderQueue = queue;

        // Since the GC calls the destructor and doesn't run on the main thread,
        // we need to ensure the cleanup() call happens on the main thread.
        mainThreadActions.Enqueue(() => Cleanup());

    void Cleanup()
        if (m_renderTexture != null)

    private void Update()
        // Process main thread actions
        while (mainThreadActions.TryDequeue(out var action))

    public bool UpdateTextureHelper()

        if (m_pixelWidth == m_camera.pixelWidth && m_pixelHeight == m_camera.pixelHeight)
            return false;


        m_pixelWidth = m_camera.pixelWidth;
        m_pixelHeight = m_camera.pixelHeight;
        var textureDescriptor = TextureHelper.Descriptor(m_pixelWidth, m_pixelHeight);
        m_renderTexture = new RenderTexture(textureDescriptor);

        return true;


// Draw a Rive artboard to the screen. Must be bound to a camera.
public class RiveScreen : MonoBehaviour
    public Asset asset;
    public CameraEvent cameraEvent = CameraEvent.AfterEverything;
    public Fit fit = Fit.contain;
    public Alignment alignment = Alignment.Center;
    public event RiveEventDelegate OnRiveEvent;
    public delegate void RiveEventDelegate(ReportedEvent reportedEvent);

    private Rive.RenderQueue m_renderQueue;
    private Rive.Renderer m_riveRenderer;
    private CommandBuffer m_commandBuffer;

    private File m_file;
    private Artboard m_artboard;

    private Artboard n_artboard_1;
    private Artboard n_artboard_2;
    private Artboard n_artboard_3;

    private StateMachine n_stateMachine_1;
    private StateMachine n_stateMachine_2;
    private StateMachine n_stateMachine_3;

    private StateMachine m_stateMachine;
    private CameraTextureHelper m_helper;

    public StateMachine stateMachine => m_stateMachine;

    private static bool flipY()
        switch (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType)
            case GraphicsDeviceType.Metal:
            case GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11:
                return true;
                return false;

    void OnGUI()
        if (m_helper != null && Event.current.type.Equals(EventType.Repaint))
            var texture = m_helper.renderTexture;
            var width = m_helper.camera.scaledPixelWidth;
            var height = m_helper.camera.scaledPixelHeight;

            GUI.DrawTexture(flipY() ? new Rect(0, height, width, -height) : new Rect(0, 0, width, height), texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true);



    private void Awake()
        if (asset != null)
            m_file = File.Load(asset);

            //artboard principale
            m_artboard = m_file.Artboard(0);
            m_stateMachine = m_artboard?.StateMachine();

            n_artboard_1 = m_file.Artboard(1);
            n_stateMachine_1 = n_artboard_1?.StateMachine();
            n_artboard_2 = m_file.Artboard(5);
            n_stateMachine_2 = n_artboard_2?.StateMachine();
            n_artboard_3 = m_file.Artboard(8);
        n_stateMachine_3 = n_artboard_3?.StateMachine();

        Camera camera = gameObject.GetComponent<Camera>();
        Assert.IsNotNull(camera, "RiveScreen must be attached to a camera.");

        // Make a RenderQueue that doesn't have a backing texture and does not
        // clear the target (we'll be drawing on top of it).
        m_renderQueue = new Rive.RenderQueue(null, false);
        m_riveRenderer = m_renderQueue.Renderer();
        m_commandBuffer = m_riveRenderer.ToCommandBuffer();

        if (!Rive.RenderQueue.supportsDrawingToScreen())
            m_helper = new CameraTextureHelper(camera, m_renderQueue);
        camera.AddCommandBuffer(cameraEvent, m_commandBuffer);



    void DrawRive(Rive.RenderQueue queue)
        if (m_artboard == null)
        m_riveRenderer.Align(fit, alignment ?? Alignment.Center, m_artboard);


    private Vector2 m_lastMousePosition;
    bool m_wasMouseDown = false;
    //bool EnableMouse = true;

    private void Update()
        if (m_artboard == null)

        Camera camera = gameObject.GetComponent<Camera>();
        if (camera != null)
            Vector3 mousePos = camera.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            Vector2 mouseRiveScreenPos = new Vector2(mousePos.x * camera.pixelWidth, (1 - mousePos.y) * camera.pixelHeight);

            if (m_lastMousePosition != mouseRiveScreenPos)
                Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate(mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight), fit, alignment);
                m_lastMousePosition = mouseRiveScreenPos;
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate(mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight), fit, alignment);
                m_wasMouseDown = true;
            else if (m_wasMouseDown)
                m_wasMouseDown = false;
                Vector2 local = m_artboard.LocalCoordinate(mouseRiveScreenPos, new Rect(0, 0, camera.pixelWidth, camera.pixelHeight), fit, alignment);

        foreach (var reportedEvent in m_stateMachine?.ReportedEvents() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ReportedEvent>())
            Debug.Log($"Event received, name: \"{reportedEvent.Name}\", secondsDelay: {reportedEvent.SecondsDelay}");

        foreach (var reportedEvent in n_stateMachine_1?.ReportedEvents() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ReportedEvent>())
            Debug.Log($"Event received, name: \"{reportedEvent.Name}\", secondsDelay: {reportedEvent.SecondsDelay}");

        foreach (var reportedEvent in n_stateMachine_2?.ReportedEvents() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ReportedEvent>())
            Debug.Log($"Event received, name: \"{reportedEvent.Name}\", secondsDelay: {reportedEvent.SecondsDelay}");

        foreach (var reportedEvent in n_stateMachine_3?.ReportedEvents() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ReportedEvent>())
            Debug.Log($"Event received, name: \"{reportedEvent.Name}\", secondsDelay: {reportedEvent.SecondsDelay}");




damzobridge commented 2 months ago

In the Rive editor, you can bubble up events from the nested artboard. In the parent artboard, listen to the event from the nested artboard, and then have that trigger an event on the top-level artboard, so you can subscribe to it in Unity.