Also, it turns out that the Laplacian of Gaussian version of U-Skate is also missing (never added to git tracking). Please add the LoG U-Skate config as well.
# LoG approximates ∇² by convolving an image with LoG kernel, the Laplacian of the Gaussian.
# this approach allows kernels to be scaled.
laplacian_of_gaussian = 1 / (pi * sigma**4) * (1 - (r**2 / (2*sigma**2)) * exp(- (r**2 / (2*sigma**2))
Add 5-point, 9-point, and 25-point stencil variants of USkate world
Also, it turns out that the Laplacian of Gaussian version of U-Skate is also missing (never added to git tracking). Please add the LoG U-Skate config as well.