riverloopsec / killerbee

IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Security Research Toolkit
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zbassocflood/zbdsniff ecnoding errors; no key exchange. #261

Open Shaq06 opened 1 year ago

Shaq06 commented 1 year ago

Hello community,

I got a home automation system with a gateway and a powerplug device that I like to analyse. My setup is the ApiMote v4 with an external antenna and the newest killerbee version installed on ubuntu 20.04. The ApiMote and both devices are about 2 meters apart.


If I run sudo python3 ./zbdsniff -f testfile.pcap -k 5A:69:67:42:65:65:41:6C:6C:69:61:6E:63:65:30:39 it returns

Processing testfile.pcap
./zbdsniff:34: DeprecationWarning: PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN will be required for '#' formats
  keyHash = sec_key_hash(key, '\0')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zbdsniff", line 111, in <module>
    sniffNetworkKey(pkts, options.transportKey, options.verbose)
  File "./zbdsniff", line 34, in sniffNetworkKey
    keyHash = sec_key_hash(key, '\0')
TypeError: argument 2 must be a byte string of length 1, not str

which I seemed to fix if I force the string to a byte in line 34

34     keyHash = sec_key_hash(key, b'\0')

It still gives out the warning, but processes.


When I use sudo python3 ./zbassocflood -c 15 -p afb1 it returns

zbassocflood: Transmitting and receiving on interface '/dev/ttyUSB0'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./zbassocflood", line 153, in <module>
    assocreqinj = b''.join(assocreqp)
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected a bytes-like object, str found

which could be solved with the help of #259, but then I receive the error

zbassocflood: Transmitting and receiving on interface '/dev/ttyUSB0'
ERROR: Unable to inject packet
string argument without an encoding

Passing the PAN ID argument in 0xafb1 format does not help. I can't find out where this encoding error lies. Can anyone else relate to this?


zbstumbler sends frames but almost never receives any. Only if I send data over the network while stumbler is in the right channel it returns

Transmitting beacon request.
# DEBUG b'Clearing overflow'
Received frame.
Received frame is not a beacon (FCF=b'a\x88').

Might a faster USB interface (3.0) solve the overflow issue? Since I read it happens because my host can't handle the frames fast enough.

if I run zbwireshark I do get frames detected. Some of them have the bad FCS flag. There are six wifi networks here, three of them have strong signals. I will try my setup in a quieter environment tomorrow, maybe that will help with malformed packets. However I never see a key exchange after I factory reset the gateway and device and pair them again. The Gateway and the device are from two different manufacturers and I did not enter any PIN in the device during setup, so I assume the key exchange happens with the standard TC link key? Won't a factory reset also delete known network keys? See the pcap file attached. Zigbee_Pairing_after_factoryReset.zip

Maybe someone has good ressources for the "Symmetric-Key Key Establishement Protocol", since I don't understand how the network key is securely established if the standard link key is known.

Thank you for your support, Shaq