rivernews / appl-tracky-spa

An Application Tracking System to help job finders ease their out-of-control spreadsheet use tracking every job application record.
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Multi Select and Batch Apply Status #80

Closed rivernews closed 3 years ago

rivernews commented 3 years ago

Would want a way to move all, or multiple orgs in Target, into Archived.

rivernews commented 3 years ago

Several requirement clarification

rivernews commented 3 years ago



rivernews commented 3 years ago


rivernews commented 3 years ago

What will the backend request look like?

Essential information: ([...companyIds], destinationStatus). The problem is whether we want to create a new custom API, or we can look at the existing REST API, maybe we can extend it, like creating a List Serializer for company to batch update status.

Finally made the backend working with batch companies update, great takeaway in wiki.

What will frontend redux state change look like?

  1. Move companies between status buckets
    • We probably need to do this in middleware, because we need access to multiple select stores.
  2. Update company objects themselves.
  3. The view should be automatically changed once the state is right

The rest will be