rivernews / review-scraper-java-development-environment

An environment to develop review scraper
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Data pipeline: cronjob-kind-of mechanism to track each org over time #24

Closed rivernews closed 4 years ago

rivernews commented 4 years ago

We need some kind of cronjob service support, likely from slack middleware service, to keep track of org data for the long term, so that analytics work can do time series.

rivernews commented 4 years ago

Pubsub issue

We got a fundamental problem. Our scraper running in travis, cannot connect to redis. Because our redis cluster currently only allows local (from k8) connections, our laptop (port-forwarding) connection, if we're keep using travis, we cannot use redis w/o opening it up to a hostname, or we have to install doctl and kubectl in travis (or at least run tf-k8-toolkit docker image as a on-the-fly container command --> but do remember there might be some more latency).

rivernews commented 4 years ago

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