Closed kotsius closed 1 month ago
For future reference, this rebar issue also references this problem.
Thanks for raising the issue.
I have pushed some changes to the unicode_path_compilation
branch. Could you test that and make sure it works properly?
Now I am getting:
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. del /Q /F priv Could Not Find d:\Websites\Projects\MintFirsts\deps\argon2_elixir\priv erl -eval "io:format(\"~ts~n\", [lists:concat([\"ERTS_INCLUDE_PATH=\", code:root_dir(), \"/erts-\", erlang:system_info(version), \"/include\"])])" -s init stop -noshell > nmake / /F priv\argon2_nif.dll Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.16.27034.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. if NOT EXIST "priv" mkdir "priv" cl /O2 /EHsc /I"argon2\include" /I"argon2\src" /I"c:/Program Files/\x{2022} Programming/Erlang/erts-10.5/include" /LD /MD /Fepriv\argon2_nif.dll argon2\src\argon2.c argon2\src\core.c argon2\src\blake2\blake2b.c argon2\src\thread.c argon2\src\encoding.c argon2\src\ref.c c_src\argon2_nif.c Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.16.27034 for x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. argon2.c c1: fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'argon2\src\argon2.c': No such file or directory core.c c1: fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: 'argon2\src\core.c': No such file or directory blake2b.c [...]
This could well be due to my non-experience in using anything other than the packages directly. What I did (other than reinstating the unicode character in the erl path) was to change the mix.exs entry to:
{:argon2_elixir, "~> 2.0", branch: "unicode_path_compilation", github: "riverrun/argon2_elixir"}
I think the problem is with how it deals with the submodule. I will look into how to sort this out and get back to you later today.
Ok. Try adding the following to the deps
section of your mix.exs file:
{:argon2_elixir, "~> 2.0", github: "riverrun/argon2_elixir", branch: "unicode_path_compilation", submodules: true}
If that doesn't work, edit the
in the deps/argon2_elixir
directory, changing the ~s
to ~ts
, and see if that compiles.
1st try: submodules option ➔ cannot download
2nd try: without submodules option ➔ does not compile even though ~ts already in place
3nd try: regular argon2_elixir (master) + change ~s to ~ts ➔ again, does not compile
I have just pushed the changed to hex. Please try version 2.1.1 and let me know if it works.
Cleared _build and deps, then got this:
Could you do the following two things and then report back?
Find out where the erl_nif.h
file is.
In the cmd shell, run erl -eval "io:format(\"~ts~n\", [lists:concat([\"ERTS_INCLUDE_PATH=\", code:root_dir(), \"/erts-\", erlang:system_info(version), \"/include\"])])" -s init stop -noshell
and let me know the output.
erl_nif.h found in 2 locations:
[program files path]\Erlang\erts-10.5\include [program files path]\Erlang\usr\include
The command outputs:
ERTS_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/Program Files/\x{2022} Programming/Erlang/erts-10.5/include
And if you type DIR c:/Program Files/\x{2022} Programming/Erlang/erts-10.5/include
, what is the output?
Parameter format not correct - "Program".
Try entering the erlang shell, by typing erl
, and then in the erlang shell, run io:format(\"~ts~n\", [lists:concat([\"ERTS_INCLUDE_PATH=\", code:root_dir(), \"/erts-\", erlang:system_info(version), \"/include\"])])
No output, seems hung.
Sorry, I forgot to mention the .
at the end of the command. Just type the above command with .
at the end, and it should work.
No problem, yet still hanging.
Let's try something else.
Try running erl -noshell -s init stop -eval "io:format(\"~ts/erts-~ts/include/\", [code:root_dir(), erlang:system_info(version)])."
in the cmd shell.
Output = c:/Program Files/\x{2022} Programming/Erlang/erts-10.5/include/
Ok, let's try erl -noshell -s init stop -eval "io:setopts(standard_io, [{encoding, unicode}]), io:format(\"ERTS_INCLUDE_PATH=~ts/erts-~ts/include/\", [code:root_dir(), erlang:system_info(version)])."
in the cmd shell.
output = ERTS_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/Program Files/• Programming/Erlang/erts-10.5/include/
That's better. I will release a new version soon. I'll let you know when it has been pushed to hex.
Just released 2.1.2. Let's hope that works :)
One has to admire this bug's perseverance!
And erl_nif.h
is definitely in the c:/Program Files/• Programming/Erlang/erts-10.5/include/
Yes, it certainly seems so.
I will look into it again next week. If you can find out any further information that could help us fix this, that would be great.
If this issue is too much trouble to resolve, perhaps a simple warning that the Erlang path should not contain unicode characters would suffice. Otherwise, I am happy to help with further testing.
At the moment, are you able to use argon2_elixir if you move the entire Erlang directory to a different path?
When the unicode character (• plus a space) is replaced with an ascii one (+ minus the space), it compiles. This is the output:
WOW! how do you guys even manage to compile on windows, haven't even been able to get past 1st step, i have installed cpp tools with choco, vs installer, mingw. still hitting a hard wall.
WOW! how do you guys even manage to compile on windows, haven't even been able to get past 1st step, i have installed cpp tools with choco, vs installer, mingw. still hitting a hard wall.
My setup is only based on Visual Studio, community version 2022. According to my own notes, it has to include "C++ core desktop features", "MSVC […] VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build […]" and "Windows 10 SDK [most recent version]" (since I am on Windows 10).
Also, something like C:\path\to\Visual Studio\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.36.32532\bin\Hostx64\x64 must be added to PATH (Erlang is a x64 application).
Hope this helps.
Closing this issue. If anyone feels like reopening, please let me know.
I hit a brick wall when argon2_elixir compilation started failing, due to a change in the Erlang path that included a non-ASCII character. This should be the simplest of fixes ("They need to use ~ts instead of ~s when printing strings in a unicode environment."), but can spare future users from an awful lot of pain. Thanks for this indispensible dependency!