Open riverrun opened 5 years ago
@riverrun David, here's how I use refresh tokens right now w/ Phauxth. This file resides in my controllers folder inside API/auth. Maybe you can just add this to the generator for the API with slight changes:
defmodule XYZWeb.API.Auth.Token do
@moduledoc """
Custom token implementation using Phauxth.Token behaviour and Phoenix Token.
@behaviour Phauxth.Token
alias Phoenix.Token
alias XYZWeb.Endpoint
@access_token_max_age 259200 #3 days
@refresh_token_max_age 31536000 # 1 year
@access_token_salt "ABC" # change this to a proper salt if you don't want to get pwned
@refresh_token_salt "DEF" # change this to a proper salt if you don't want to get pwned
def max_age(token_type \\ :access_token) do
case token_type do
:refresh_token -> @refresh_token_max_age
_ -> @access_token_max_age
@impl true
def sign(data) do
Token.sign(Endpoint, @access_token_salt, data, [])
# @impl true
# Max age not supported for signing
def sign(data, opts \\ [], token_type \\ :access_token) do
case token_type do
:access_token -> Token.sign(Endpoint, @access_token_salt, data, opts)
:refresh_token -> Token.sign(Endpoint, @refresh_token_salt, data, opts)
defp updated_opts(opts, new_max_age) do
{_, new_opts} = Keyword.get_and_update(opts, :max_age, fn current_max_age ->
{current_max_age, new_max_age}
# @impl true
def verify(token, opts \\ [], token_type \\ :access_token) do
case token_type do
:access_token -> Token.verify(Endpoint, @access_token_salt, token, updated_opts(opts, @access_token_max_age))
:refresh_token -> Token.verify(Endpoint, @refresh_token_salt, token, updated_opts(opts, @refresh_token_max_age))
So a brief explanation of how I use the above. When access token expires, the client will send the refresh token as a Bearer
token in the API call, if it's valid, my endpoint will generate a new access token which will be cached on the mobile app or wherever I'm consuming it. One thing to add here is refresh tokens should ONLY be generated once during the lifetime of a user using your app for maximum security. So, maybe the very first time they sign up or when they resent their account. It's a security violation if you keep generating a refresh token upon every renewal request. Only generate an access token for renew endpoints. Cheers.
It is common practice to extend the time between logins by issuing a new token when presented with an existing token, or to have a separate refresh token that requests a new access token.
There is a concern, as noted in #103, about unauthorized persons gaining extended access to a system if the access token is compromised.
Using refresh tokens, together with additional safeguards, should make it more difficult for an attacker to gain extended access in this way.
At the moment, this matter needs to be researched more thoroughly before deciding what kind of addition to the library / documentation is needed.