Closed BryanJBryce closed 5 years ago
Please read the upgrade guide and let me know if you have any comments / questions about that.
It is important to note that some of the changes in version 2.0 are negotiable. If any of you feel that changes should be made, or that we should revert to previous behavior, then we can discuss that either here or on the Gitter channel.
@riverrun I am using phauxth to run authentication against two separate user tables (and separate contexts) in my app. My current setup has:
pipeline :browser do
plug(Phauxth.Authenticate, max_age: 64800) # 60 x 60 x 18 - 18 hours
pipeline :lms_browser do
plug(MyApp.LMS.Authenticate, max_age: 64800, user_context: MyApp.LMS.Accounts) # 60 x 60 x 18 - 18 hours
plug(MyApp.LMS.Remember, user_context: MyApp.LMS.Accounts)
defmodule MyApp.LMS.Authenticate do
use Phauxth.Authenticate.Base
alias MyApp.LMS.Accounts.User, as: LmsUser
@doc """
Set the `lms_user` variable.
def set_user(nil, conn), do: assign(conn, :lms_user, nil)
def set_user(%LmsUser{} = lms_user, conn), do: assign(conn, :lms_user, lms_user)
defmodule MyAppWeb.SessionController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
alias MyApp.Accounts
alias MyApp.Accounts.User
alias Phauxth.Confirm.Login
def create(conn, %{"session" => params}) do
case Login.verify(params, Accounts) do
{:ok, user} ->
path = home_redirect(conn, user)
Accounts.process_successful_login(conn, user, params, path)
|> login_success(path)
{:error, message} ->
render_error(conn, message, Routes.session_path(conn, :new))
defmodule MyAppWeb.LMS.SessionController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
alias MyApp.LMS.Accounts, as: LmsAccounts
alias MyApp.LMS.Accounts.User, as: LmsUser
alias Phauxth.Confirm.Login
def create(conn, %{"lms_session" => params}) do
case Login.verify(params, LmsAccounts) do
{:ok, %LmsUser{} = lms_user} ->
path = home_redirect(conn, lms_user)
LmsAccounts.process_successful_login(conn, lms_user, params, path)
|> login_success(path)
{:error, message} ->
render_error(conn, message, Routes.lms_session_path(conn, :new))
With user_context moving to config in the new version, how would I use it for the above setup?
@goravbhootra I'll look at your setup in more detail later, and I will get back to you soon.
@goravbhootra I will bring back the keyword argument for user_context - I will let you know when that is done.
@riverrun thanks a lot
@goravbhootra version 2.0.0-rc.1 now allows you to use keyword arguments to define the user_context.
With the Plugs, you can use them the way that you have been using them in v1.2.
With the verify functions, you need use them in the following way:
To use the value set in the config - Login.verify(params)
To use a custom value - Login.verify(params, user_context: LmsAccounts)
Thanks for raising this issue - this kind of feedback really helps me know what changes can be made.
@riverrun I will upgrade asap and revert with feedback.
I think we can close this issue now - thanks to everyone for your valuable feedback.
Version 2 has been merged into
and is now alpha on hex. Please, review the changes that have been made and create issues where needed.