riverscuomo / public-bug-hunt

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fix riv appname and icon #65

Closed riverscuomo closed 8 months ago

riverscuomo commented 10 months ago

Changing App Title:

  1. Navigate to the AndroidManifest.xml file in 'android/app/src/main/'.
  2. Now, locate the line that reads "." Replace 'app_name' with your desired app name.

Next, to change the iOS name, use these steps:

  1. Open your project in Xcode, after which you need to select the Runner from the project navigation.
  2. You have to replace the 'Bundle Name' with your new app name within the 'Info.plist' file.

Changing App Icon:

Firstly, you need to add the 'flutter_launcher_icons' package to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.8.0"

  android: "launcher_icon"
  ios: true
  image_path: "assets/icon/icon.png"

Replace the 'image_path' with the destination of your logo in your project. Now you should run the package to change the app icon:

$ flutter pub get
$ flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main 

Hopefully, after executing these steps, you should have your custom app name and icon. Make sure you replace the default names and locations with the correct ones for your particular project.

riverscuomo commented 10 months ago

changing the app name doesn't change the Application ID on Android or Bundle ID on iOS.

For Android, the Application ID is defined in the "applicationId" in the app-level build.gradle file.

For iOS, the Bundle ID is declared in the Runner Xcode project's General settings page (or directly in the Info.plist file).

These IDs are separate from the displayed app name and they are critical in identifying your app in the app stores. After initially publishing your app with these IDs, you shouldn't alter them; doing so would be equivalent to creating an entirely new app.

The display name of your app, which users see on their home screen and which you discussed changing, can be altered without impacting these important IDs or your app's standing in the app stores. So you can safely change the app name without changing the ID.