rivor / fortnite-scrim-bot

scrim/snipe bot for discord built with node.js and discord.js
Apache License 2.0
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Bot crashes when trying to join voice channel #16

Open UntouchedOdin0 opened 5 years ago

UntouchedOdin0 commented 5 years ago

Whenever the bot tries to join the voice channel it comes up with the error ` F:\SOLO SNIPES BOT>node bot.js

Connected as Scrim Bot#4096

Guild AiKyle Members: 24 Guild Fortnite Scrims Members: 2 F:\SOLO SNIPES BOT\exports.js:148 channel2.join().then(connection => { ^

TypeError: channel2.join is not a function at startgame (F:\SOLO SNIPES BOT\exports.js:148:11) at Timeout._onTimeout (F:\SOLO SNIPES BOT\exports.js:178:6) at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5) at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5) at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)

Press any key to continue . . .`

And it just stops there, I don't know why that happened.

clankedz commented 5 years ago

voice channel wrong.

rradoychev commented 5 years ago

Make sure that your channel is defined correctly via the !setup command.

DieselGaming commented 5 years ago

Yes like @rradoychev just said you need to use the setup command and define 'channel2' which is the voice channel.