public class ClassWithTypeAnnotations // implements clause:
implements @TypeAnno1 ClassWithTypeParam<@TypeAnno2 T> {
// Class instance creation expression:
private Object x = new @TypeAnno3 Object();
private @TypeAnno6 Object str = "Hallo";
// Type cast:
public String myString = (@TypeAnno4 String) str;
// Thrown exception declaration:
public void throwsAnnotatedException() throws @TypeAnno5 SQLException {
public @TypeAnno2 T doSomething() {
@TypeAnno8 String local = new String();
} catch (@TypeAnno7 RuntimeException re){
return null;
there should be dependencies from ClassWithTypeAnnotations to TypeAnno8 and TypeAnno7
but there aren't. So annotations on local variables and on catch blocks don't get found properly.
Given the following class:
public class ClassWithTypeAnnotations // implements clause:
implements @TypeAnno1 ClassWithTypeParam<@TypeAnno2 T> {
there should be dependencies from
but there aren't. So annotations on local variables and on catch blocks don't get found properly.