rizacelik / STM32F411CEU6_INAV_Firmware

STM32F411CEU6 Board Firmware
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I installed 6.1 firmware, having trouble in controlling motors with my rf controller #14

Closed paky12 closed 1 year ago

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Hello sir, im having, troubles with rf communication. In inav everything works fine, joystick controls are visible (using Ibus), motors can be controlled from inav and gyro is calibrated fine. Problem is when i try to control the drone using my rf controller. When i start giving throttle at certain point it goes to maximum and wont turn off, also the other joystick wont work. Wondering if you could provide me with source code of firmware perhaps on my email : patrikdrazic@gmail.com

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Hello Patrick. Did you set the ESC protocol correctly? The ESC protocol should be MULTISHOT. Source codes are target.h and target.c files. You can review. You can compile it yourself if you want. See description section.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Yes im using multishot, weird thing is we are using same hardware components except motors and ECS. All of the axis are working in Receiver tab of INAV but not when i disconnect it from PC and try flying drone.

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Did you enable ARM from the Modes section in the configurator?

paky12 commented 1 year ago

So i have made all the steps like you, what happens is i ARM the drone but when i start giving throttle it jumps to maximum speed and i lose control. I think it looses connection with my RF transmitter and wont turn off, i have to plug the batteries out to stop the motors. Here is the short video demonstrating how INAV sees everything https://streamable.com/34hq1f

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Is there a brand of ESC? How are your mixer settings? Also try different ESC protocols.

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Whichever channel you have completed for ARM on the transmitter, you need to activate it on that channel. It seems that ARM is not activated from the transmitter.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

BLHeli-s 2-4s it supports multiple protocols, always the same problem.

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Your BLHeli-s ESC settings may not be exact. Someone else asked on youtube and I recommended the following videos. These videos can help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf9Jhoooxec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YY9BTsa6MQ

When you find a solution, please reply here again about the solution.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

I will when i find solution, also i need help if you can provide please. How would i create block diagram of the program flow with logical sequences for drone software since i have not wrote any code just used your's finished firmware

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Try inav_6.0.0_STM32F411CE.hex Firmware. If it works on that then we can make changes for 6.1.

INAV flight software is very complex and requires a lot of programming knowledge. Making changes to the software will take a good programmer months. So it is very difficult for me to write a block diagram of program flow with logical sequences for drone software. There are so many details.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Understandable, thank you for fast response

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

You wrote that you didn't stop your engines. I tested it today. It worked flawlessly. When you activate the ARM channel, the engines will run. Engines will stop when you disable the ARM channel. After ARM you are ready to fly. This is a security measure.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Yes the ARM channel activates the engines but when i give throttle it goes to maximum value by itself and i cannot control it (i had to make also a KILLSWITCH channel just so i can shut it off in time before making any more damage), might be that I have to do some PID tuning

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

If you are using mpu9250 it works unstable. There can be high ups and downs. Use mpu6500 instead.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Ahh yess im using mpu 6050 with I2c, tho with some PID tuning i managed to get better stability but still... wont be able to fly

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Why doesn't it fly? what exactly is the problem? I still do not understand. Cpu load okey?

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Cpu load is okay also under 80%, professor told me today that if i understood correctly something about PID is incorrect, should i use default settings? PRoblem is for exxample in Angle mode it pushes motors in wrong direction, it should try to balance out the drone so it stays flat but it goes in different direction. It tries to unbalance the drone so it can't even lift off, it dosent give power to other side of motors to provide balance. I dont know how to explain im sorry

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Here is a short video of how it looks, the channel i was switching on and off while mottors where spinning is ANGLE mode. https://streamable.com/tzxfcu

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

You can be flown, the PID controller will stabilize your quadcopter. I recommend you to use it with MPU6500 SPI. Note: The MPU6050 I2C connection is overworking the CPU. So the best is the MPU6500 module. I'm using this too.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

There's no workaround by using MPU6050 I2C? using looptime command i have set the cpu load as much as possible without hitting 100%

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Since Gayro&Acell modules increase CPU load too much in I2C, INAV is no longer supported. The MPU6500 module is very cheap and you can find it easily.

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

Hey, let me join this discussion, i too have same problem, the problem is neither motors not esc, its the firmware who is brutal, when you look at the output tab you will realise, even i tried to manage lift off but the motors will never be behave like it should, when throttle down one of the motors still gets 70% signal, the quad is levelled and the pitch roll and yaw are on 1500 the what is the cause??

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

Hello Patrick. Did you set the ESC protocol correctly? The ESC protocol should be MULTISHOT. Source codes are target.h and target.c files. You can review. You can compile it yourself if you want. See description section.

Please help

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

There's no workaround by using MPU6050 I2C? using looptime command i have set the cpu load as much as possible without hitting 100%

Have you got solution?

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

SOLUTION: I recommend you to use it with MPU6500 SPI. Note: The MPU6050 I2C connection is overworking the CPU. So the best is the MPU6500 module. I'm using this too. OR Test firmware 6.0, do you have the same issue in that version?

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

If the ESC calibration is not done properly, the motors do not rotate at the same speeds simultaneously. For this, you need to do the ESC calibration first. You can find lots of videos on Youtube.

paky12 commented 1 year ago

I think i had same problems with 6.0 ill try again

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

Although all the installation steps are done properly, if there are problems, we can fix it together. I'm just going to do a basic build for the quadcopter. Can you test this? (Can all of the friends participating in the discussion do this?). Feedback is important for the solution.

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

SOLUTION: I recommend you to use it with MPU6500 SPI. Note: The MPU6050 I2C connection is overworking the CPU. So the best is the MPU6500 module. I'm using this too. OR Test firmware 6.0, do you have the same issue in that version?

Yes, both the versions have same problem i tested both inav 6.0 an 6.1

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

If the ESC calibration is not done properly, the motors do not rotate at the same speeds simultaneously. For this, you need to do the ESC calibration first. You can find lots of videos on Youtube.

I think there is no sense of caliberating esc if the flight controller is sending wrong output to esc, First we need to ensure the output by flight controller is correct.

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

I think i had same problems with 6.0 ill try again

Did you fix it? Please help

paky12 commented 1 year ago

I have not fixed only improved behaviour of motors by tuning PID but still... not enough

paky12 commented 1 year ago

For MPU 9250/6500 do i need logic level converter ? and can i use I-bus instead of S-bus so I avoid signal inverter

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

no you don't need a logic level converter.

rizacelik commented 1 year ago

This Firmware has been compiled for only 4 engines, if you test and feedback, we will improve accordingly. inav_6.1.1_STM32F411CE.zip

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

I couldn't test this problem on older versions because there is no ppm input, Sir, if you have mpu6050 please try to test version 6.0 or 6.1 , whether only this doing or all versions have same problem,

paky12 commented 1 year ago

I've tested the firmware 6.1.1 you provided, same problems... When in angle mode one side wont boost the engines when tilted. Could be problems with ESC maybe or i dont really know, controls for controling motors work good. Im still testing some things

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Could you provide maybe the firmware of your ESC's maybe i can flash my mini BLhelis

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

Before flashing firmware check the output tab of inav , turn on the precaution slider, and arm then increase throttle, all motor bars should raise, dont connect battery while doing this...

paky12 commented 1 year ago

Hello I just wanted to conclude my solution using MPU6050 I2C, cpu load was not the main problem i think, most of errors were due faulty mixer configuration, low quality gyro and most important PID parameters. I managed to configure everything just enough for drone to "fly", i believe if i used blackbox to record all data and use auto PID to configure correctly it would work perfectly. Cheers!

Lalbabu2001 commented 1 year ago

Hello I just wanted to conclude my solution using MPU6050 I2C, cpu load was not the main problem i think, most of errors were due faulty mixer configuration, low quality gyro and most important PID parameters. I managed to configure everything just enough for drone to "fly", i believe if i used blackbox to record all data and use auto PID to configure correctly it would work perfectly. Cheers!

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paky12 commented 1 year ago

I dont have the access to drone anymore, if my colleague has git account hell post here

paky12 commented 1 year ago

But it was mainly using right mixer wizard motor location according to the spin direction and PID tuning which vary on every vehicle