rizinorg / cutter

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Rizin usage fortunes or often misleading or wrong in context of Cutter #3035

Open karliss opened 2 years ago

karliss commented 2 years ago

While there are some similarities in keys used by Cutter and Rizin most of fortunes similar to "Use X in Y-mode to do Z" don't apply to Cutter.

Disable them by default or in rizin split fortunes.tips into 2 files: one with tips about commands and configuration settings that apply regardless of rizin UI used. And separate file for shortcuts and UI modes specific to rizin terminal UI. If someone decides to do the splitting, it might be good to remove or update outdated ones. As a lot of them even in rizin don't work anymore.

XVilka commented 2 years ago

I would go with disabling them completely. In Cutter, we should have separate tips instead, like these annoying popups in LibreOffice or other software.