rizinorg / rizin-pm

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Replace R2 with RZ in commands #2

Closed 9p4 closed 3 years ago

9p4 commented 3 years ago

Make rz-pm work for everybody.

ret2libc commented 3 years ago

There are also to replace url like radare2-extras and similar. Also, that is not enough because of different API names so most of those plugins won't work just with this.

But it's definitely a start!

9p4 commented 3 years ago

Issues so far: https://github.com/radareorg/radare2-rlang https://github.com/radareorg/radare2-bindings https://github.com/radare/radare2-au https://github.com/radareorg/r2dec-js https://github.com/radareorg/radare2-sigs https://github.com/securisec/r2msdn https://github.com/nowsecure/r2lldb https://github.com/leberus/r2k https://github.com/thestr4ng3r/r2-os9.git https://github.com/mrmacete/r2-ios-kernelcache https://github.com/mrmacete/r2-ggpack https://github.com/MaskRay/r2cLEMENCy don't have their Rizin counterparts. I've guessed at what they should be when they are eventually added.

I've also decided to replace the instances of r2 commands with rizin commands as rz conflicts with the lrzsz package.

There may have been some things that have slipped through, I'd recommend a full review before merging.

XVilka commented 3 years ago

1) I think we can drop cLEMENCy since it was used just once in DEFCON CTF 2) I think we can also drop radare2-au - it is a toy after all. 3) I think we can drop radare2-sigs since signatures commands has changed anyway and script is very simple. 4) @wargio has changed the URL for r2dec-js 5) @thestr4ng3r can fix his r2-os9. 6) Native bindings can be removed since they have to be done from scratch anyway. 7) r2-ios-kernelcache support is now merged in radare2 itself (thus in rizin as well) 8) Regarding rlang plugins - I removed unsupported languages (at least for now), did renames and fixes for Python and put it into https://github.com/rizinorg/rz-lang

9p4 commented 3 years ago

There's some URLs that are still under pancake's user repos that I haven't changed. I have dropped clemency, radare2-au, ghidra-rz-webserver, ghidra-rz-webserver, rz-au, rz-con, www-*, zig-masm32

I didn't see wargio's changed URL, and I've updated the rz-lang repo link.

Before removing a3a, do we need rust support?

wargio commented 3 years ago

regarding r2dec, please change the URL to rizinorg/jsdec @sambhavsaggi

XVilka commented 3 years ago

fs-squash can be removed since we remove fs plugins from Rizin.

XVilka commented 3 years ago

Please remove also db/acr since it's deprecated and out of the scope of Rizin package management anyway.

XVilka commented 3 years ago

Please also remove db/bokken. Lol, didn't realize it was still there...

ret2libc commented 3 years ago

Merged! Thanks a lot. There is now a bit of work to do to fix the actual plugins for the renamed API. Most of them are likely very easy as of right now, however I would start with considering first the "most used" plugins.