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[MSP430] Removed code which deletes indicator characters for certain asm syntaxes #4522

Closed moste00 closed 4 weeks ago

moste00 commented 1 month ago

Your checklist for this pull request

Detailed description

This should fix issue #3324 in Cutter's bug log.


Test plan

I have searched in the git history and tracked the introduction of the deleted code to commit hash c83d5f4664f222f318f8e4ae3910aeb9e5515902, I have tried to find any PR or detailed message associated with this hash, explaining why the code was needed, but I found none, the commit was probably added sometimes in the project's pre-history (back when it was radare2).

As far as I can see, the deleted code has no other effect or purpose except the undesirable effect of deleting indicator characters from the disassembly when the asm syntax isn't AT&T. Any tests breaking due to the removal of this code are wrong tests that should be removed as well.

To verify

Run rz-asm -a msp430 -d 3f401000 on dev and then on this PR's branch. On dev, it produces mov 0x0010, r15 as output, which is wrong, the correct output should include the character '#' before the constant, as it appears on this PR's branch.