Open radare opened 4 years ago
Looks the same as #66 to me
Still happens with the latest Rizin & Rz-ghidra ( and respectively)
rizin a.out
-- To debug a program, you can call rizin with 'dbg://<path-to-program>' or '-d <path..>'
[0x000003cc]> s main
[0x00000464]> af
[0x00000464]> pdf
╭ int main (int argc, char **argv, char **envp);
│ ; var int32_t var_ch @ stack - 0xc
│ 0x00000464 push {fp, lr}
│ 0x00000468 mov fp, sp
│ 0x0000046c sub sp, sp, 8
│ 0x00000470 ldr r0, [0x00000490] ; [0x490:4]=32 ; 1168
│ 0x00000474 add r0, pc, r0
│ 0x00000478 bl sym.imp.printf ; sym.imp.printf ; int printf(const char *format)
│ 0x0000047c movw lr, 0
│ 0x00000480 str r0, [var_ch]
│ 0x00000484 mov r0, lr
│ 0x00000488 mov sp, fp
╰ 0x0000048c pop {fp, pc}
[0x00000464]> pdg
undefined4 main(void)
int32_t var_ch;
return 0;