rizinorg / rz-pipe

Access rizin via pipe from any programming language!
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iIj returns an invalid name for class, cmp.csum and hdr.csum #28

Closed geekscrapy closed 2 years ago

geekscrapy commented 3 years ago

I've only tested with one sample and one command (iI), but I dont seem to get the same details when I use:

$ rz-bin -I 6a09bc6c19c4236c0bd8a01953371a29
Name     Value
arch     x86
baddr    0x400000
binsz    651424
bintype  pe
bits     32
retguard false
class    PE32
cmp.csum 0x000a52d4
compiled Mon Apr 24 20:38:08 2017
dbg_file C:\Builds\13810\Tools\ProcDump_master\bin\Win32\Release\procdump.pdb
endian   LE
hdr.csum 0x000a52d4
guid     35DC14947AF44564BC0C59336A3D8F741
laddr    0x0
lang     c
machine  i386
maxopsz  16
minopsz  1
os       windows
overlay  true
cc       cdecl
pcalign  0
signed   true
subsys   Windows CUI
stripped false
crypto   false
havecode true
va       true
sanitiz  false
static   false
linenum  false
lsyms    false
canary   false
PIE      true
RELROCS  false
NX       true

As when I do (in ptpython):

>>> rzpipe.open('6a09bc6c19c4236c0bd8a01953371a29').cmdJ('iIj')
X(arch='x86', baddr=4194304, binsz=651424, bintype='pe', bits=32, retguard=False, _6='PE32', _7='0x000a52d4', compiled='Mon Apr 24 20:38:08 2017', dbg_file='C:\\Builds\\13810\\Tools\\ProcDump_master\\bin\\Win32\\Release\\procdump.pdb', endian='LE', _11='0x000a52d4', guid='35DC14947AF44564BC0C59336A3D8F741', intrp='', laddr=0, lang='c', machine='i386', maxopsz=16, minopsz=1, os='windows', overlay=True, cc='cdecl', pcalign=0, rpath='', signed=True, subsys='Windows CUI', stripped=False, crypto=False, havecode=True, va=True, sanitiz=False, static=False, linenum=False, lsyms=False, canary=False, PIE=True, RELROCS=False, NX=True, checksums=X()

As you can see, there are some fields which as represented as _6,_7, _11. So the data is there, just with the wrong name.

wargio commented 3 years ago

looks like a bug on iIj command.

wargio commented 3 years ago

can you provide the binary? or this happens with any pdb binary?

wargio commented 3 years ago

which version of rizin are you using?

geekscrapy commented 3 years ago

can you provide the binary? or this happens with any pdb binary?

The binary is 6a09bc6c19c4236c0bd8a01953371a29 (a version of procdump), available on VirusTotal

rizin 0.3.0 @ darwin-x86-64
commit: 0e11486f36aa784b471d8d4ecf291a8d962b4c47, build: 2021-07-07__18:43:13
geekscrapy commented 3 years ago

Seems to work with: rzpipe.open(p, flags=['-2']).cmdj('iIj')

ret2libc commented 3 years ago

looks like a bug on iIj command.

More than a problem in iIj it seems a problem in conversion from json to python object.

In [19]: rzpipe.open('/home/rschiron/Downloads/6a09bc6c19c4236c0bd8a01953371a29').cmdj('iIj')                                                                                         [15/358]
rz_config_set: variable 'cfg.oldshell.autocompletion' not found                                                                                                                               
{'arch': 'x86',                                                                                                                                                                               
 'baddr': 4194304,                                                                                                                                                                            
 'binsz': 651424,                                                                                                                                                                             
 'bintype': 'pe',                                                                                                                                                                             
 'bits': 32,                                                                                                                                                                                  
 'canary': False,                                                                                                                                                                             
 'retguard': False,                                                                                                                                                                           
 'class': 'PE32',                                                                                                                                                                             
 'cmp.csum': '0x000a52d4',                                                                                                                                                                    
 'compiled': 'Mon Apr 24 22:38:08 2017',                                                                                                                                                      
 'compiler': '',                                                                                                                                                                              
 'crypto': False,                                                                                                                                                                             
 'dbg_file': 'C:\\Builds\\13810\\Tools\\ProcDump_master\\bin\\Win32\\Release\\procdump.pdb',                                                                                                  
 'endian': 'little',
 'havecode': True,
 'hdr.csum': '0x000a52d4',
 'guid': '35DC14947AF44564BC0C59336A3D8F741',
 'intrp': '',
 'laddr': 0,
 'lang': 'c',
 'linenum': False,
 'lsyms': False,
 'machine': 'i386',
 'maxopsz': 16,
 'minopsz': 1,
 'nx': True,
 'os': 'windows',
 'overlay': True,
 'cc': 'cdecl',
 'pcalign': 0,
 'pic': True,
 'relocs': False,
 'rpath': '',
 'signed': True,
 'sanitiz': False,
 'static': False,
 'stripped': False,
 'subsys': 'Windows CUI',
 'va': True,
 'checksums': {}}

In [20]: rzpipe.open('/home/rschiron/Downloads/6a09bc6c19c4236c0bd8a01953371a29').cmdJ('iIj')  
rz_config_set: variable 'cfg.oldshell.autocompletion' not found
Out[20]: X(arch='x86', baddr=4194304, binsz=651424, bintype='pe', bits=32, canary=False, retguard=False, _7='PE32', _8='0x000a52d4', compiled='Mon Apr 24 22:38:08 2017', compiler='', crypto=
False, dbg_file='C:\\Builds\\13810\\Tools\\ProcDump_master\\bin\\Win32\\Release\\procdump.pdb', endian='little', havecode=True, _15='0x000a52d4', guid='35DC14947AF44564BC0C59336A3D8F741', in
trp='', laddr=0, lang='c', linenum=False, lsyms=False, machine='i386', maxopsz=16, minopsz=1, nx=True, os='windows', overlay=True, cc='cdecl', pcalign=0, pic=True, relocs=False, rpath='', s$

Notice how the problem is in cmdJ and not in cmdj.

XVilka commented 2 years ago

Is this still a problem with the latest Rizin? @geekscrapy @wargio @ret2libc

ret2libc commented 2 years ago

Is this still a problem with the latest Rizin? @geekscrapy @wargio @ret2libc

I think we did nothing to fix this.

wargio commented 2 years ago
>>> import rzpipe
>>> rzpipe.open('6a09bc6c19c4236c0bd8a01953371a29').cmdJ('iIj')
X(arch='x86', baddr=4194304, binsz=651424, bintype='pe', bits=32, retguard=False, _6='PE32', _7='0x000a52d4', compiled='Mon Apr 24 22:38:08 2017 UTC+1', dbg_file='C:\\Builds\\13810\\Tools\\ProcDump_master\\bin\\Win32\\Release\\procdump.pdb', endian='LE', _11='0x000a52d4', guid='35DC14947AF44564BC0C59336A3D8F741', laddr=0, lang='c', machine='i386', maxopsz=16, minopsz=1, os='windows', overlay=True, cc='cdecl', pcalign=0, signed=True, subsys='Windows CUI', stripped=False, crypto=False, havecode=True, va=True, sanitiz=False, static=False, linenum=False, lsyms=False, canary=False, PIE=True, RELROCS=False, NX=True)


[0x004171e7]> iIj
{"arch":"x86","baddr":4194304,"binsz":651424,"bintype":"pe","bits":32,"retguard":false,"class":"PE32","cmp.csum":"0x000a52d4","compiled":"Mon Apr 24 22:38:08 2017 UTC+1","dbg_file":"C:\\Builds\\13810\\Tools\\ProcDump_master\\bin\\Win32\\Release\\procdump.pdb","endian":"LE","hdr.csum":"0x000a52d4","guid":"35DC14947AF44564BC0C59336A3D8F741","laddr":0,"lang":"c","machine":"i386","maxopsz":16,"minopsz":1,"os":"windows","overlay":true,"cc":"cdecl","pcalign":0,"signed":true,"subsys":"Windows CUI","stripped":false,"crypto":false,"havecode":true,"va":true,"sanitiz":false,"static":false,"linenum":false,"lsyms":false,"canary":false,"PIE":true,"RELROCS":false,"NX":true}