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Accented vowels are lowercase with caps lock on #5097

Open tormento opened 5 months ago

tormento commented 5 months ago

If you try to write a vowel with some accent or other symbol, it is still lowercase when caps lock is on. i.e.


becomes in reality


and I have to use CTRL+SHIFT+U to fix it.

RaiKoHoff commented 4 months ago

@hpwamr : Reproducable ? What is the behavior of Notepad++, Notepad2-mod, SciTE - maybe Scintilla upstream problem ?

hpwamr commented 4 months ago

In my humble opinion there is no Notepad3 problem with accented vowels.

On my "AZERTY Belgium" keyboard, all accented vowels are in lowercase! And they don't magically change to capital letters because the sentence is capitalized.

So to type "À" I had to do "Alt+0192" (see Windows App "Characters Map" for complete list).


tormento commented 4 months ago

That is a peculiar answer.

I can understand the logic behind it but not the consequences :)

Be free to change my question from an issue to a request.

hpwamr commented 4 months ago

IMHO, it's not a Notepad3 issue but a Keyboard Mapping issue... 🤔

tormento commented 4 months ago

I am pretty sure that Word and other "mainstream" editors apply upper case to accented vowels too.

hpwamr commented 4 months ago

I am pretty sure that Word and other "mainstream" editors apply upper case to accented vowels too.

I just tested with Word 2019, it's not the case! 🤔

hpwamr commented 4 months ago

So to type "À" I had to do "Alt+0192" (see Windows App "Characters Map" for complete list).

Another method is to use the "Dead keys: ´ ` ~ ^ ¨ on your keyboard.

In your example:

500px-Belgian_Linux_keyboard svg

tormento commented 4 months ago

Another method is to use the "Dead keys: ´ ` ~ ^ ¨ on your keyboard.

Not on italian keyboard.

RaiKoHoff commented 4 months ago

Can also not reproduce the issue: Using ´ followed by A produces an Á with caps-lock on and an á with caps-lock off. German "Umlauts": ä ü ö Ä Ü Ö (direct German keyboard access) are also fine in caps-lock mode behavior.

hpwamr commented 4 months ago


420px-Italian_Keyboard_layout svg Italian keyboard layout

Italian typewriters often have the QZERTY layout instead.

The Italian-speaking part of Switzerland uses the QWERTZ keyboard.

tormento commented 4 months ago

Italian typewriters often have the QZERTY layout instead.

Reaaaaaaally old typewriters yes but nowadays we use almost only computers with QWERTY.

tormento commented 4 months ago

Can also not reproduce the issue: Using ´ followed by A produces an Á with caps-lock on and an á with caps-lock off. German "Umlauts": ä ü ö Ä Ü Ö (direct German keyboard access) are also fine in caps-lock mode behavior.

Unfortunately we don't have ´ on italian keyboard but just '.

hpwamr commented 4 months ago

Hello @tormento , For your information, this may help you.

Lexibar, per caratteri speciali tastiera italiana


It is very easy to insert accented characters. I used such a bar to insert spanish characters.

Come utilizzare Lexibar italiano

Dopo aver scaricato e installato Lexibar italiano, lanciatelo.

Poi o cliccate su un carattere speciale per inserirlo direttamente nel word processor oppure selezionatelo e trascinatelo con il tasto sinistro del mouse.

Se questi metodi non funzionano, potete copiare i caratteri negli Appunti facendo doppio clic e poi incollarli nel documento.

Utilizzate il bottone destro del mouse per convertire un carattere in minusculo / maiuscolo.

L'orientazione Lexibar italiano può essere cambiata utilizzando la barra spaziatrice della tastiera.

Utilizzate i tasti "+" e "-" della tastiera per aumentare o diminuire le dimensioni della barra degli strumenti.