rizonesoft / Notepad3

Notepad like text editor based on the Scintilla source code. Notepad3 based on code from Notepad2 and MiniPath on code from metapath. Download Notepad3:
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save a new file opened from the command-line saves the file to the installation directory #5106

Closed jtmoon79 closed 4 months ago

jtmoon79 commented 4 months ago

tl;dr from Powershell, notepad .\foo will open Notepad with file foo. Saving the file foo saves it to the notepad installation directory, I expected it to save foo to the current directory.


  1. install notepad3 I installed Notepad3_6.23.203.2_x64_Setup.exe
    • installation directory C:\Program Files\Notepad3
    • selected Replace Windows Notepad with Notepad3
  2. open powershell the current working directory is C:\Users\user\
  3. run notepad .\foo a pop-up asks "foo" not found, would you like to create this file?
  4. select Yes
  5. type some random letters into the text field
  6. press ctrl+s to save the file
  7. search for the file EXPECT: the file foo is saved to the current working directory C:\Users\user\ ACTUAL: the file foo is saved to the installation directory C:\Program Files\Notepad3
RaiKoHoff commented 4 months ago

This behavior should be already fixed in latest beta versions - please get latest beta version and test again.

jtmoon79 commented 4 months ago

Tested using Notepad3_6.24.109.1_rc2_x64_Setup.exe. Appears fixed. Thanks!