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Minimizing via taskbar causes order of open NP3 windows on taskbar to change #5159

Closed jupester closed 1 month ago

jupester commented 3 months ago

I checked the changelog and couldn't see anywhere this had been added intentionally, so thought I'd check.

In recent 2024 versions now if I have multiple instances open, when I click on the already active pinned Notepad3 taskbar item, the window goes to the background and the np3 taskbar items get rearranged. I should add that any form of minimizing also causes this, and even if only 1 instance open, minimizing makes the taskbar item like disappear and reappear, which is not normal.

I don't really like this new behavior because if I open documents in a certain order they can become rearranged making it harder to keep track of, so if it was an intentional change, would it be possible to make it optional?

I assume other people are seeing this behavior and its not just me, but I could be wrong.

NP3 6.24.312.1 Win 10 22H2 Combine Taskbar Buttons = Never

RaiKoHoff commented 1 month ago

I think this is Windows 10/11 default behaviour (check File-Explorer), this has nothing to do with Notepad3. (click active un-grouped window on taskbar == minimize this window)

Maybe I do not understand the workflow described correctly ?

jupester commented 1 month ago

Great to hear from you, welcome back!

It is definitely not standard behavior in my opinion, and since I started using NP2 over a decade ago, and NP3 since more recently, I have never seen it happen like this until now, this was a change that happened recently in about Feb/Mar 2024 builds, you should be able to tell the difference just by minimizing a pinned NP3 window via any method, such as from the titlebar, with even just 1 window open, for me I see the Notepad3 taskbar item disappears for a second, then reappears, do you see that? I consider that abnormal, and I think is the root cause of my issue. The order of the open windows on the taskbar has in the past always stayed in the order the documents were opened, that is no longer the case.

I tried to make a GIF, that shows what I mean.


jupester commented 1 month ago

And here is what it looks like when only 1 NP3 window is open, the taskbar item has never disappeared like that just from minimizing, then reappeared, also I haven't seen this behavior in any other apps before either, but maybe this is only happening with NP3 to me?


RaiKoHoff commented 1 month ago

I think it is correlated to issues #4957, #4974, #4986, #5076 and #5099. It maybe has been introduced with PR #5111, #5112, #5131.

The problem was "hide minimize/maximize animation while NP3 settings is OFF, but System Settings is ON. So the workaround for this problem was "hide Window while" while drawing uns showing after animation was done.

I think, about removing this parameter and only rely on system settings.

jupester commented 1 month ago

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!

I tried v6.24.528.1 and it seems back to normal now, hopefully the other users will be ok with this change.

hpwamr commented 1 month ago

Hello @jupester ,

Feel free to test the "BETA/RC PortableApps", version "Notepad3Portable_6.24.529.1_rc3.paf" or newer, see in issue #1129.

"Notepad3Portable BETA/RC PortableApps" version can be used with or without ".7z" extension.

Also, feel free to test the "BETA/RC Setup", version "Notepad3_6.24.529.1_rc3_Setup" or newer, see the 2nd list in issue #1129.

Comments and suggestions are welcome... 😃