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Shortcut keys for the Menu Bar don't always work for languages different than English. #5169

Closed juanmbt closed 1 month ago

juanmbt commented 2 months ago

If you select a language different than English, some of the Menu Bar items are not opened when using the shortcut key (Alt+letter).

To reproduce:

  1. Select a language different than English.
  2. Try to open a Menu Bar item by using the accelerator key (Alt + ).
  3. If the accelerator key does not match the English option it won't open. For the File item: Spanish has A for Archivo and it won't open when pressing Alt+A, however French has F for Fichier and it will open with Alt+F as it matches the English shortcut F for File. For the Edit item: Spanish as E for Editar, it matches the sortcut in English for Edit and It opens when pressing Alt+E.
hpwamr commented 2 months ago

Hello @juanmbt , In what language and what is the list of corrections you want to make? 🤔


juanmbt commented 2 months ago

Hello @hpwamr,

There are no issues with the translations, but with the funcionality of the Menu Bar when the language is not English.

When I press the Alt key, the menu bar changes and the accelerator letter is displayed as an underlined letter. As per your screenshots, Archivo in Spanish and Fichier in French.

When the language is set to English, pressing Alt+F will open the File Menu, but when the language is switch to Spanish, pressing Alt+A does not open the menu.

However, when the language is set to French Alt+F works, because Fichier uses the same accelerator letter as the menu in English File.


RaiKoHoff commented 1 month ago

This seems to be a misunderstanding: To access the menu, using the keyboard is not by using the key combination Alt+F (English, French) or Alt+A (Spanish) but using the key sequence (Alt, f resp. Alt, a), which means pressing first Alt to access the menu, then (after releasing the Alt key) you have to press the menu-hotkey (the underlined one, eg. for A press a, for F press f). Then everything should work fine in menu access for different languages.

The key combination Alt+F (also Alt+E|H|P|S|V) is not mapped in Notepad3, so it is redirected to the menu and has the corresponding effect as pressing Alt, F resp. Alt, E|H|P|S|V, which may have different meanings in different languages.

A solution could be to map all these unmapped Alt+<.> key combinations to a "no operation" (noop), but that would change long lasting behavior for all english speaking users.

BTW: The key combination Alt+A is mapped to switch on/off "mark all occurrences of selected word" .

juanmbt commented 1 month ago

Ok, I understand now, thanks for explaining.

It's safe to close this issue now.