rizonesoft / Notepad3

Notepad like text editor based on the Scintilla source code. Notepad3 based on code from Notepad2 and MiniPath on code from metapath. Download Notepad3:
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Accidental transfer of properties in the settings treeview is possible #5191

Open BinaryRider opened 1 month ago

BinaryRider commented 1 month ago

Notepad3 (x64) 6.24.309.1 rc3 portable (zip file) - Windows 7 SP1 x 64

If you accidentally drag an entry to another entry in the Settings dialogs treeview, the properties of the copied entry are transferred to the target entry.

Is it possible to prevent this by switching off drag 'n drop in the treeview?

NP3 settings

RaiKoHoff commented 3 days ago

This is by design and will not be made optional yet. If done so by accident, do not persist the change by pressing OK but leave dialog by Cancel - the change is not stored. Pressing Standard will also reset the change to factory settings, as a last resort.