i have a question related to ccc-analyzer. it is about the Analyze method (line 272). it does check the $IncludeParserRejects variable, which is initialized to zero once and has a comment "Set this to 1 if we want to include 'parser rejects' files." my question is: who will set that to 1? shall it be an environment which turn this on? can i leave it out from the rewritten version?
i have a question related to ccc-analyzer. it is about the
method (line 272). it does check the$IncludeParserRejects
variable, which is initialized to zero once and has a comment "Set this to 1 if we want to include 'parser rejects' files." my question is: who will set that to 1? shall it be an environment which turn this on? can i leave it out from the rewritten version?