rjanot / YuccaPrerenderBundle

Symfony2 Bundle to use prerender.io
MIT License
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Issue with Sf>=2.4 (EventDispatcher TraceableEventDispatcher) #17

Closed Mangetsu closed 9 years ago

Mangetsu commented 9 years ago

Hello, I wanted to use the PrerenderBundle with a Sf2.5 app, i get this error :

ContextErrorException: Catchable Fatal Error: 
Argument 7 passed to Yucca\PrerenderBundle\Listener\KernelListener::__construct() must be an instance of 
instance of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher given, 
called in F:\Web\...\app\cache\dev\appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 2943 
and defined in F:\Web\...\vendor\yucca\prerender-bundle\Yucca\PrerenderBundle\Listener\KernelListener.php line 75

is their any work arround or fix for this issue ?

rjanot commented 9 years ago

Hi b-hakkari-void, thanks for submitting this issue, I just fixed it

If still not working, feel free to reopen