rjaros / kvision

Object oriented web framework for Kotlin/JS
MIT License
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Graph theory visualization #406

Open mgrouch opened 2 years ago

mgrouch commented 2 years ago

It would be nice if there was a module binding to https://js.cytoscape.org/

For visual representation of graphs which is a missing feature currently.


rjaros commented 2 years ago

See my answer for similar request: #95. TLDR: creating Kotlin bindings for a complex JS library is a huge job - contributions are welcomed.

JoonasC commented 2 years ago

You might want to take a look at https://github.com/data2viz/data2viz, it's essentially a port of d3.js to Kotlin.

joerg-rade commented 2 years ago

You might want to take a look at https://github.com/data2viz/data2viz, it's essentially a port of d3.js to Kotlin.

I did exactly that a couple of month's ago and gave up. I was not able to find out, how to do a bubble chart.

JoonasC commented 2 years ago

The thing with d3/data2viz is that it doesn't give you a ready-made method to draw a graph/chart, but instead it gives you basic tools that you can use to create any kind of visualisation. Here are some examples of everything that can be done with it https://play.data2viz.io/sketches/.